Missy Giove arrested on pot charges

'tis very sad...

I'm just trying to imagine how big a pile/mountain 400 lbs would make. :shock:
..Now that would be a grassy-knoll. :D
gibbleking":3cxrbg4g said:
maybe shes got very bad financial trubbles and all she could see was a long dark tunnel...and no light at the end....would love to know... :shock: :shock:

I don't think you start your criminal career with 100kg of weed.
It's a double tragedy. Firstly, this is a woman whose day-job for 15 years was riding mountain bikes and earning 100's of thousands of dollars in the process. So how the hell did it come to this?

Secondly, I can't see her escaping any jail time. I don't know what kind of defence her lawyer will come up with, but whatever he/she says, Giove and friend were caught with 180kg of hash, a money counting machine and a over a million dollars in cash. Doesn't look good does it?

It is a complete shame that her status as a mountain biking icon will be overshadowed by this. But in the end, she only has herself to blame.
Myles Rockwell was busted for drugs too, he was growing pot: http://forums.mtbr.com/showthread.php?t=23406 (also former Yeti rider).

Rumours where Yeti riders smoked hashish before racing downhill BITD, would not surprise me since lots of "original mountainbikers" from USA looked like proper hashish-hippies.

Maybe I should cut up my frames and look inside? I could make some big bucks on the streets of Stockholm? ;)
erkan":l9khh5af said:
Maybe I should cut up my frames and look inside? I could make some big bucks on the streets of Stockholm? ;)
Just heat the tubes from the outside -- if you see smoke, you'll know you've been riding a bong for all of these years... ;) :)
Dr.Robotnik":18iv47z4 said:
erkan":18iv47z4 said:
Myles Rockwell was busted for drugs too (also former Yeti rider).

They were both on Volvo-Cannondale too. Uh-oh, conspiracy?

Missy used to radiate with health, -there's no way she was much of a 'head BITD
would not surprise me since lots of "original mountainbikers" from USA looked like proper hashish-hippies.

First two bikers I came across in CA while over there were 90`s downhillers and they were puffing away on the pipes while getting ready to make the 7 mile climb :shock: .... Made me chuckle :LOL: