MBR Article March 2010

I saw the article when I was at Saracen/Madison yesterday, it looks really good. Mrs Neilll has just returned from Morrisons with a few copies for me though :D

RekiBorter the 'Doorman' :LOL:

Your name's not down you're not coming in
Not tonight, no not tonight

Listen mate i told you once i told you twice you're not on the list alright!?

:LOL: :LOL: :p


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The Bouncer

There is a good reason for the doorman pose. I was the first to be photographed and Geoff was taking ages setting up. Doing test shots to check focus and light levels. It was a cold day and I was keeping my hands warm under my armpits. When Geoff was ready I asked how should I pose, he said exactly as you are.

So remember, if your name's not on the list you're not coming in!
Just got my copy. The article reads very well and gives a good account of RB. Well done to all involved. Shame there aren't that many close-ups of the bikes though, Neilll's EWR is miles away.

How long before we start seeing signed copies in the 'For Sale' section...?
Yeah - Good article.

It would be interesting to get feedback from John if any new members can be attributed to having read the article.

Well done to all.