Marin Sausalito


Dirt Disciple
I wonder if anywone have an idea which year this bike is from?

My guess is pre 1992.


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Frame looks like a zolatone vintage Marin, Sausalito was introduced with the plasticky finish (year after the dark grey zolatone). So had a respray? Colour scheme / style fits with mid to late nineties

do you think it still has the original components on it?

if so, what components are on it? they may help to date the bike as a whole.

Yes, it's the european equivalent of light zolatone, so it's probably 1990.

Some models, we (anglais) never had issued officially. So, there is big inconsistency with some model disburse, globally. Where certain chemical laws were slacker here, we got those models :LOL: zolatone for starters. The ingredients are harder to find than that of anthrax, TNT, and donner kebab.

For example, we never got the bull frog trail, zig-zag trail.

The decals are the best indicator on most marins, maybe expensive to produce so they were kept uniform.

The catalogues are all in the archive, but I've found bikes they fit the catalogue in colours that aren't mentioned - which seems to support what Marc's saying :)
This wery bike was for sale on a auction site here in Norway, and I ended up with what was i tired old bike in commuter mode. But; -stripped from all the old 200GS and Exage 400, the frame cleaned from years of old grime and built up with som old XT/DX i had lying in a box, it started to look like a bike. Fitted with a pair of studded Marathon winters I took it out on its maiden voyage today..
Great bike and great fun!! Sunshine, 5cm snow, and a hot brew in the thermo flask, -what better way to spend the last day of 2014!
