MacRetro Trading Post

Ah, dinny you start, ive already been under OCP's lash over this :lol:

But i keep explaining to you all that newly listed bargains dont hang about long. Sometimes it's seconds.
You have to scan everything and make your decision in double quick time. Forget googling as by the time you get back its away. Ach, get one wrong occasionally, no the end of the world.

Like the mint set of 2009 mono's for 65 quid last week, the nice silver ones. Destined to go on the commuter, when i was looking at using avids BB's.

Or the spoke threading thingy for a fiver.

Or......Yup, as bad as Rob :facepalm: :lol:
dyna-ti":1cpx0t0b said:
ive already been under OCP's lash over this :lol:

Or......Yup, as bad as Rob :facepalm: :lol:

:oops: Sorry.

By ra way, naebody is as bad as Rob. :wink:
My ebay purchases run along the procrastination line usually. I like to think its like when I was a tradesman in ' measure twice, cut once' way of things :wink:
Sure I miss out a bit, but I also believe in the vague ' if its meant to be its meant to be' or as Heather says ' whits for ye wont pass ye by ' , whatever the f**k that means ;)
I am the other way to yourself really in that I see it and then as much as I want to buy it straight away, I know myself, and I need to stop, maybe sleep on it and look at it again in the cold light of day, rather than impulse buying at two in the morning. The time I look at ebay is usually from 9 at night through to midnight or later and while I am awake at this time, its also when I am usually dreaming, be it of great rides, cool bikes or great builds I could do, or sometimes its of the cool adventures I could have. Redo trips from my younger days etc .
Don't get me wrong. I love a bargain and wont always pass things up if its cheap, cheap but with a very limited cycling budget I have to chose wisely.
Or wait until someone else makes a mistake and I can buy an expensive hub cheaply because someone brought it in a hurry :wink:
I have lost a lot though because some things were like you say, an absolute bargain and get snapped up in minutes. But I figure I lived and kept cycling without them before and I am pretty sure I will keep on breathing and cycling without them.
Each to their own though, obviously I there were plenty of times I just should have hit the buy it now button, but instead lost out by waiting and I am sure there is the odd time you maybe wish you waited before hitting it.
Its all good fun .................until someone gets hurt :lol:



this frame is gonna be available shortly as i'm gonna break it

no more work bike for me as i need to get fitter and shift some weight, so i'm now walking the four miles a day instead :shock:

voodoo wanga, nice quality steel frame, can run discs or Vs, and sliding rear dropouts too so singlespeed is a doddle!

it had mudguards so it's in fab condition 8)

more details to follow once it's in bits


  • wanga.webp
    161.5 KB · Views: 413

och hang on then i'll nip out and measure it..........

(once i've coaxed it out with a biscuit) :lol:

2 mins......

vital statistics are:

BB to top tube c to c - 16.5 inches

BB to top of seat tube - 19 inches

TT c to c - 22.5 inches

HT - 5 inches
Pah! Why not pedal the long way to work taking the same amount of time it would take you to walk. You cannae go selling bikes in favour of walking you know! Well no roon here.