Macretro fat camp


Keith, no fixed session. Gym I go to does various sessions based around the Synergy equipment. There are various themed session e.g. Core or snow fit, but most are varied each week so they don't get boring. Definitely show up weak core and backs of legs. Takes me 2-3 days to recover from all the squats. Hopefully help balance up all the bike specific muscles.

Well done on the running Kaiser. Just can't bring myself to do it. I know if I concentrated on it, that the legs would get there, but any time I try to start it just screws me up for day, even taking it easy. Not really viable when you spend 9 hours a day standing a work.

Preparing own meals certainly helps, just need to make sure that you plan and shop ahead or it's easy to get lazy. This weekend won't help, off to Edinburgh for 6 nations. That's two days of meals out and I dare say a few "refreshments". Cocktails at the Balmoral have already been mentioned by wifey.
Well in gents. Been watching your runs on Strava, K - you are definitely in the groove now.

Clocked over 300 miles on the bike for January, but 90% of that was Zwift. Haven't really lost any significant weight (89.4kg now), but was told ' we're ' on a diet as of next week. So if I can keep up the biking, then actually counting the calories should start to make a difference.

I'm still a skinny b'stard despite eating everything I can and drinking copious amounts of wine !! :p
Re: Re:

Hawmaw":1wehq7op said:
I'm still a skinny b'stard despite eating everything I can and drinking copious amounts of wine !! :p

Your secret is out... :)



Sure I got some "Medicated Rubber Garments" lying around somewhere. Wonder if the ones in that advert are also foil wrapped :shock:
Another month and no weight change.
Cycling stats - 117 miles this month from 6 rides, 20 miles less than last month (8 rides).
Shorter month though and I've been steadier with work and also managed less gym work than I did last month.
Been coast riding a bit on fat bike, so those rides tend to be shorter, and also spent a lot of my local off road rides practicing flat pedal technique rather than just putting miles in for the sake of it.
Definitely need more hilly miles though. Living near the coast, most of my road rides start with a climb, but once up top, the roads just roll along rather than a series of big climbs and descents. Still to early in season to head up the Glens, even in sheltered areas today I was finding slushy spots and frosty roads.

Looking forward to Clubbytrails next weekend, be good to get a decent length ride under the belt.
Down to 87.2kg, so 2.2kg drop over February - Keri's diet pays off :)

Less miles than January though (217 vs 313) - That was 12 Zwift rides for the month, 1 real ride. Power is definitely up, and finally cracked 3 w/kg last night. Tried a few TTs this month, which are pretty good since they are so short.

I'm hovering around 76kg, down from 79kg at the start of the year. I think this must be around my "ideal" weight, because it ain't going any lower (but then I'm not on a diet, just eating better food and doing more exercise).

I've been hitting the turbo trainer hard the last few weeks and putting some mileage in, I'm doing a few Sportive type things this year so don't want to be struggling to finish them. I suspect it's more a psychological thing, if I've ridden say 100miles at least once beforehand then doing a 100mile event won't seem quite as daunting.
April weigh in...

Down to 86kg, so 1.2kg drop during March. Happy enough with that. Clocked 244 miles over 11 rides, 5 of them actually outside, so pretty pleased with that mix. Should continue to see more road biking outside as the nights get lighter and the weather hopefully better.

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