Macretro fat camp


I'm still 100% Healthy Ideal Weight according to BMI despite not exercising and not always eating correctly.

So in short BMI is a huge pile of Bull Poo as usual in that I have numerous chronic ailments which include dietry issues.

Do not get hung up on BMI it's crap !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Re:

RobMac":1i8f4xre said:
OK girls get the scales out :facepalm:

13st 1lb = 183lbs = 83kg

I'm not gonna be obsessive about this BUT I want this to be my re-build year after my enforced lay off.
That's odd, 12st 2lb = 78kg now :shock:
Will double check tomorrow.
96kg :facepalm:

Combination of work, life and wife has once again conspired against me and my plans for the summer sailed on by once again.
August and September weren't bad riding wise when off but struggled for motivation to get out in the evenings after work. Last month or so it's been down to one ride a fortnight. Mileage well down on last few years but have been concentrating on MTB and exploring rather than just bashing out miles on the road bike. Have marked off quite a few tracks on my Landranger 45 on the garage wall.
Last busy week of work for the year coming up, before I move onto my winter schedule. Looking forward to a more relaxed work life balance. Luckily, I quite enjoy riding in the cold. Lights all charged up as well now, just need to get my mates motivated. Much easier to get out for a night ride when you've got to meet someone.
clubby":256t5m1e said:
Much easier to get out for a night ride when you've got to meet someone.

That's Rob's excuse for riding down by the docks.... :LOL:

79kg. Oh well, headed in the right direction, although continental plates seem to move quicker than my weight :roll:

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