Macretro fat camp

Get in there! (or rather out there in March)... Congratulations clubbsters! And just think of all the extra bike purchases you'll get to make :)

And checking in with a 90.1kg (already 1kg down on last January).

I felt so fat on the commute yesterday that i went for a run instead today. Paranoid that people were thinking "look at that fat man on the bike. Must be his new years resolution." :| Interesting thing is that my ageing rugby players knees were sorer on the bike than during the run!?. I say run but it was kinda more like a jog. No point starting the diet till i've helped the kids finish their Xmas sweets. Old skool training + less calories = weight loss. I hope.

May as well add myself. 5’11” 19 stone (look big but defo no quite 19 stone big).

Hopefully my return to biking will help turn the weight round a bit.

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