Macretro fat camp

Today I bought more protein powder, going to up my shakes to twice a day, seeing as I'm barely eating.

Happy with my 1 stone loss, and Sunday I plan on going to the gym again, my legs are getting good exercise but the upper body has suffered since I last went 6 months ago when I knacked my back at work....

Weight may go up a little, with muscle, but not going to bulk up, just feed the muscles.

Still enjoying the odd takeaway etc, just keeping away from crisps, cakes, biscuits etc and I ain't missed them.
Back from my first roadie club run, 38 miles felt fine afterwards but am tiring now, think ill be asleep before the rugby finishes :)
just out of interest i checked my BMI with those daft charts today, im borderline obese now, rather than well into it, despite losing 1stone.

gone from 32.5 to 30.6

29 being the top and of the over weight teritory, still about 3st off normal weight/height for me though :shock:

this thread has kept me going though ;)
Don't want to weigh myself today: last night was games night at work - a huge burger and spicy fries and around 6 bottles of corona and 2 pints of IPA. Must have had a whole lime in all my Coronas though, that should be healthy I guess.
Only a small 1lb loss but a loss all the same :cool:

Last week 15st 13lb - 101.1kg

Today 15st 12lb - 100.6kg

So close to being under 100kg since my school days I think!

In my defence though, I weighed myself today after I put my aftershave on :LOL: So next time will be pre-deodorant :eek: