MacRetro chat and rides thread

New addition is cool as feck, I will speak to the powers that be at work and see if I can get away early tomorrow, is 7 pm at lochwinnoch loch car park good for everyone? Bring your granny gear for the climb and believe it or not you might need your sealskin sock, never really drys out up there I've been told.


Any more for any more?
I've updated the turnoots thread if anyone sees owt that needs including or editing let me know.
lochwinnoch loch car park - is that it circled in red below?


Oh aye, Gazz - I should be able to bring the Hardrock through for you tomorrow. You got room in your car for it?
Yeah that's the place zz by the watersports centre fnarr fnarr- if you want rid of the hardrock then bring if you don't mind it being there then don't bother.
Might just make this one :) was planning a big road ride after work but cannae do it now, should be good for this :) I'll bring the 29er for a run.
Looks like misty law will live up to her name, foggy and drizzle here this morning, so bring your wet weather gear, I might be a tad late 7.15ish if that is still cool.
Weather is meant to clear in the afternoon, so fingers crossed, will no doubt be muddy under tyre though.

PS. Brought yir Hardrock.
cheers ZZ wish me luck getting it in unnoticed (the hardrock)- morven went into the garage last night and made a few sarky comments- my argument that 7 bikes is a lucky number did not seem to carry as much weight as I thought it would :LOL: