MacRetro chat and rides thread

Offer open again for a guided tour of some sweet dry technical trails round my bit, I can do Tuesday wed or even Friday?

How about some thoughts on our next run out? Misty law was great fun and will be alot dryer now- anyone up for a blast?
clockworkgazz":1tlls4mh said:
Offer open again for a guided tour of some sweet dry technical trails round my bit, I can do Tuesday wed or even Friday?

How about some thoughts on our next run out? Misty law was great fun and will be alot dryer now- anyone up for a blast?

Sounds good to me, on olay-holli-holli-day at the moment so up for a run out durring the week ;)
Misty Law (near Lochwinnoch, right?) looks like it's about 20 minutes from my work :D - evening or day run? If we're talking evenings, then Tuesday would be good for me this week.
Evening for me and tuesday would be grand would need to be about 7ish if that is cool as I need to get back from work ready and then up to lochwinnoch. Happy to do my trails too whatever appeals?
Nice one G, I couldn't be relied upon for anything for a while but if you post up and I can make it I'll be there :D
7-ish good, happy to go with what the majority fancy, though I do like the sound of Misty Law - a nice trail near my work? Yes please, especially with the light nights.

On a related note, something very satisfying about strapping your bike to the car on a work day.