MacRetro chat and rides thread

Top work Gazzie on getting the FAT in BOTM :cool: though I reckon only one art fart shot is needed, get a better colour one in.
panda thats 3

matching konas and sunshine in oban

"the sun shone on oban ,it was tuesday that year "

just jealous m8 ,cool place oban or Obadiah if you use spell check :LOL:
kaiser":81zm0jm8 said:
Top work Gazzie on getting the FAT in BOTM :cool: though I reckon only one art fart shot is needed, get a better colour one in.

might just do that, time to get the old girl out of the garage again.
aye suns shining and the flowers are oot, actually kirro was super lush with the greenery and schwubery, would have made some nice bike shots if we'd have stopped more.
mr panda

i take it the knobby tyred bikes the blokes one
but the womens one is larger ?
and has peace hangers on
yet the blokes has v's
no lights
so a short wirey bloke
and a school run mum

May not quite be a pair, but they are related:


I've left them alone in the man cave for a few days now, even left a comfortable blanket nearby, but still no sign of baby Rockhards...
mikee":11kfbgsh said:
mr panda

i take it the knobby tyred bikes the blokes one
but the womens one is larger ?
and has peace hangers on
yet the blokes has v's
no lights
so a short wirey bloke
and a school run mum


Both mine.
Both same size.
Different headset/stem arrangements.
Parked on a hill.
No flat bits in garden.


1x XC Cinder Cone
1x Commuting (when circumstances permit) Cinder Cone

zigzag":2e059pax said:
May not quite be a pair, but they are related:


I've left them alone in the man cave for a few days now, even left a comfortable blanket nearby, but still no sign of baby Rockhards...

but both are girls are they not- some furry cup action is the best you could expect non?
zigzag":20kkjmmy said:
May not quite be a pair, but they are related:


I've left them alone in the man cave for a few days now, even left a comfortable blanket nearby, but still no sign of baby Rockhards...

so are you looking for some pink qr's zz ? i have a pair that i'd swap for any other pair (basic shimano ones would do) ;)