MacRetro chat and rides thread

Dr S":qf4nor3e said:
Loving the overspray all over the capri jimmi


Yeah, could'nt be arsed covering it and was'nt wanting to park it out in the rain :roll: , the finger marks on the bonnet is where i wiped it to see how bad it is :lol:

Gazz if you can make it over to mine with the fork and the nut i'll sort it for you :wink: , i'll do that while you clean the dust off my Capri :twisted: :lol:
Just thinking though, if you've damaged the theads on the nut trying to get it started you may be buggered, unless you have a spare nut ?
The nut has been slightly stripped but it still goes on the orig fork so I think it will be good if I get the steerer sorted, might take you up on that offer mate, will need to be going to Glasgow in the next week so let me know what time is good and we can give it a bash! Will bring my buffing tools too :wink:
Well i'm on holiday at the moment so anytime is fine for me really.

This has turned out not too bad :)


Just a couple of coats of laquer and it's about done.
kaiser":38hgxfs3 said:
Nice work fellah 8) do you flat it down before lacquer?

Cheers K :wink: , yeah, a quick rub with a fine Scotchbrite pad and a degrease, will leave that for the weekend when the paints fully hardened.
kaiser":1za8ylud said:
Could you clear coat over the decals?

Not sure, never tried it, dont know how the manufacturers do it but the thing is car touch up laquer is designed to go on top of paint, there may be a risk of it flaking off if it's sprayed onto plastic or vinyl decals, could be wrong though, i'm always changing my mind with decals though, if i dont put them on squint :lol:
Pretty sure you can, I think that is how argos did mine, prob a good way to protect the decals?

Btw I got the headset on tonight after a wee bit of filing shinanigans. Looks the dugs baws albeit the forks have bugger all bounce :lol: what kind of bounce should you get from rc35's anyway.

Anyone got any spare 1 inch headset spacers in the silver flavour?