MacRetro chat and rides thread


I've given up on the sea kayaking plans for the time being but it does look bloomin good fun. Might be different if I still stayed on the west coast though :xmas-wink:
Re: Re:

old_coyote_pedaller":32pn1q6b said:
For family canoeing an open canoe would be best so you've already decided that. :mrgreen:
Almost all of my experience comes from slalom and white-water both racing and running big water, in a K1 kayak.
Have a look here, loads of info and friendly advice. There seems to be more than a fair number of us Scots on there too so you might know a couple of them, me and The Ken. :cool:
We bought an open canoe a few years ago to paddle on Loch Leven and elsewhere but the elsewhere hasn't happened much.
Ours was an eBay auction 2nd hand but guy was up north on edge of Cairngorms somewhere. Collected it on the roof of my wife's Panda, a 17'6" canoe on a Panda. :shock:

Cool. Will have a look on there. You been out on loch leven much then? Next time I'm at the outlaws I could maybe slip away and get a paddle lesson from you. ;)

Though that part of Kinrosshire is awfy close to fife. Maybe Klaus has a point! :shock:


There's nae problem wi "Soo-ee, soo-ee, here piggie, piggie", unless Rob's aroond.

Been out on loch a few times both in the open canoe and with kayaks. It's great on a summer's evening paddling out to the castle on the island for a picnic. You're welcome to come for a paddle, though I won't say anytime :roll: , I'd like the temperature tae be a wee bit warmer than a polar bear's baws. :LOL:
Ye nae got a jumper likes?


Cool. Just back from there today so if I have anything to do with it it might be a while before I'm back anyway! :LOL:

I don't do paddling in the cauld any mair. Remember doing a white-water race on the River Nith one winter, it was feckin cauld, could barely move my fingers to let go paddles and there was a layer of ice on my buoyancy aid. Makes me shiver
jist thinking aboot it noo years later. :shock:
So you could say you were traumaticed? :facepalm:


Signed up on SoTP. Got a couple of books on the way. Hoping Jamie spots this as I know he likes a paddle too. Anyone else?
Hi mate
I just spotted this and its true, I do like a paddle.
The best job passed on and one of the few semi regrets in my life was the offer of a job when I was in Canada of leading dog sled expeditions in the winter and then in the spring through to fall I would guide canoe trips for individual families in the lakes in northern algonquin. Sadly I had unfinished business on this side of the Atlantic. Oh to be young and single again ;)
Song of the Paddle is a great forum and place to start for info. If you want any advice or need to run something by someone just drop me a pM, email or phone anytime.
We canoe a bit, though maybe not as much as we used to but we use our Old Town canadian for the family stuff with the little man and I still get out in the general kayak around the coast now and then on my own. The canadian is my main love, lochs, rivers etc. Its a bit like a MTB for the water in that I use it to explore places I otherwise might not have been able to get to. There is nothing better than paddling some of the beautiful lochs on the west coast of this country. If you want to have a shot at it to try just let me know and maybe we can meet up somewhere, maybe somewhere easy like Rothiemurchus etc.
I've got a few books here as well mate I can bring down to Dunkeld or send down if you'd like.
Anyway, go for it mate, you'll love it.

Cheers Jamie. Love that last picture. :cool:

How old was Caleb the first time you took him out?

Might need to take you up on one or two of your offers. ;) Hopefully get a chance to have a natter at Dunkers.

Tech Question : You have 2 pairs of forks, one is about 1/2lb heavier than the other but the heavier one is a better forks (28mm legs against 32mm legs) needless to say the 32mm is the heavy one. Do you live with 1/2lb extra for a better fork?