MacRetro chat and rides thread


Jamie, lots of new hubs have press in adaptors that can be changed dependant on what you're using. No need to change the axle.
Ive a spare pro2 sitting here all forlorn Rob. Had it laced to a 2nd hand mavic 719 recently and its sat in the cupboard since. There you just swop the spacers over for 15mm or 20mm or QR. Axle and bearings remain the same.
Could swop it with you for something. :D
Hi Guys
This is just a quick message from work. Hope everyones fine in this weather.
For us we have had no electricity since Thursday night and no mobile coverage since then either. We have lost about eight sections of ridge capping and a small section of roof. So not too bad, just needed to sort it in the brief respite on Friday afternoon. Sections of my fence were taken down but in panels so will sort when weather is good.
Back in to work just now to check on things and power is on so thought I better make my phone calls and a quick post on here.
Things are actually good I think with no television, cooking with the trangia, reading by candlelight, (plenty of candles thanks to Heather making them for the markets ;) ) and getting probably a few more hours sleep than normal.
Take care and see you soon.
Sounds like you guys up there got it the worst as usual. We lost power about 2am on friday morning but it was back on by 10am. Only had to make 1 cup of tea on the camping stove! :cry:

You could douse yourself with the garden hose and pack and unpack everything from your canoe to make it feel more like an adventure if you get bored. :mrgreen:
Hi Guys
My power came back on on sunday (yesterday) afternoon for about four hours and then went back off until about 10.30pm. Its flickered off a couple of times tonight so the torches are handy along with the trangia :)
Looking forward to racing the Puffer this weekend. Pugs singlespeed is ready to go but I may change things around as I have a new stainless front chainring coming along with a new freewheel and chain. As I can interchange front and rear wheels, one will have a 18 tooth sprocket and the other will have the 20 tooth and I have dropped the front this year from 36 to 32 so will have it slightly easier. In a team this year as I missed the entry kick off so missed the solo entries as they filled up in 6 minutes. Its a Fatty team so will run the Pugs, did want to originally run the 1X1, but judging by the forecast and the heavy snow falling just now up this way, its probably the right decision. Is anyone else besides the usual suspects heading up?
No,no, no mate, I want snow, the more the merrier :)
Theres not much mental stuff to exert other than tell the legs to keep turning ;)
You should come across HF.

You dont have to race just come across for a look around and a laugh. I'll have a couple of hours between stints I think. Theres always music and lots of people with different things happening all over the place throughout the night.
