MacFatro - Fatbike news and builds thread

Getting a fresh set of odds and sods to home bodge a MKII fat bike which will be titled the " Bloater " and will hopefully be lighter than "The Gruffaloe " which wouldn't be hard. Dont hold your breath of it being constructed any time soon :LOL:
As ever, sounds interesting V. What are the odds and sods, and what are you planning on modifying? Of course if you want to keep this close to your chest for the 'grand unveil' of the bloater, that's OK too :)
First off winging its way through the post is a Bench Drill. This will finally allow accurate drilling of stuff hopefully resulting in a better/safer build.
Second an old Mondraker frame with bust rear triangle which will be ground off. Front triangle will be the heart of the machine to which the fabricated rear will be bolted.
Lots of humming and cursing will follow and probable deployment of the big hammer but should be fun.
The Ken":166zwujm said:
And in other news the Genesis Caribou should be in stock next week.... Arrrrrggggggghhhhhh

For that price I'd be looking at a Mukluk. Caribou only 1x10 and for me that limits it depending on where you want to ride. If it's trails only then you will be fine but if you're planning on using it on the coast don't underestimate the value of a granny ring.
I'm not 100% on this but from what I've picked up the geo on the Mukluk lends itself to the more pedestrian side of things and not the 'trail' end of the spectrum, i.e. they are a bit boring to ride. It was felt this was were the Pug trumped it, if was me looking again for fat then I'd go Puffin or still the Pugsley, I've not seen much that would tempt me away (outwith the uber fat bikes, Nicolai, 44 Bikes or the rather splendid Carver O beast :cool: )
Not enough photos on this thread, so here's a shite one from this mornings ride!
