L'Eroica Britannia - this weekend

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10 years? Who are you kidding? You're too old for it now!

Just jesting,

I visited yesterday and was well impressed with the event. A good array of stands, nice food (as opposed to pikey burger vans) and a Thornbridge beer tent! Really good that many people (me excluded) in period costumes even though they obviously weren't going to be cycling. I'm definitely entering and camping next year.

My perspective:

I didn’t camp but will next year because the festival atmosphere was brill.

It was largely organized very well from parking to checking in. The food stops had quality food, beer and even fizz at Chatsworth. The food stops could do with spacing out a bit more evenly.

The signage for the route needs improving.

There were loads of interesting friendly people from all over the world.

It was nice to meet a couple of people from the forum – I hope you enjoyed the ride?

I did the 100 mile ride and had a great time, but a puncture on my tubulars (10 miles from the finish) necessitated me calling my mate (who lives locally) to bring my spare bike, which he had with me in 15 minutes. However I then had another puncture on my second bikes tubulars 4 miles from the finish – fortunately it was the front tyre so I managed to hobble back to the finish line cycling on the rims!

I hate tubulars with a vengeance!!

I know it is not a race, but the event took me just over 8 hours if anyone is interested.

Hats off to the organizers – it was a great success.

I visited the showground yesterday, I thought it was great for a "free event" to have a look around, not so cheap to ride the route, Unfortunately my bike did not qualify, so today I made my own route up and passed the retro riders going in the opposite direction at Darley Dale and on Beeley moor to Tansley (I had a Heinz Tomato Ketchup top on) What a great day for a ride. Hats off to you guys with the retro gearing on the peak hills.

Excellent ride. Did the 100. Took me 7:40 including stops.

Great atmosphere and the vibe was good with lots of nice people.

I'll give a fuller report with photos when I get back. Just enjoying a pint of festival ale in the evening sun.
Blinding event(100 mile)The route was absolutely stunning !!! The great weather helped though :cool:

I loved the off road sections especially the limestone sections that were very Italian(l'Eroica) esque ...

Such an array of colourful folks and people from all over the world gave it a great vibe ...

Anyone got a knife? I need to cut myself a slice of humble pie.
In a previous post months ago, I was sceptical that this would end up being a minority event for the millionaire retrobikers. We called in today as part of our club run (all of us Lycra clad, riding carbon). The atmosphere was great and there were all-comers, both riding and visiting. Met loads of folks I've known over the years. Only downside was that the beer tent didn't take cards and we had to stretch the cafe money. 7 pints later after much merriment, we got back in Sheffield around 7pm.

One of our gang was disappointed that it was l'eroica and not l'erotica and there were no dancing girls....... silly boy

I got loads of piss taking, being our club's resident retrobiker, but retrobiking got much respect.

Want to camp and take part next year.

I too was a bit doubtful after a few glitches in the early days of organisation- but I was a totally wrong!

a fantastic weekend - I stopped wingeing about the lack of brakes on my Raleigh Ace (ride it properly on the drops and its fine!) when I saw 3 guys on 1920s racers ( one with wooden rims- Tim Moore)

yes you could have ridden in the sun for nothing- but being part of the event and hearing your name at the finish was fantastic and with great food and drink was well worth it- roll on next year!!!!!!
Really, really good event:
• 3 days of a great festival (bike jumble, retro bike stalls, retro clothing stalls, great food, bands on the big stage, beer tent, sunshine)
• Fantastic 100 miler, up hill and down dale, amazingly varied and locally run food stops and no shortage of food or tipples at any of them.
• 2000+ retro vintage bikes that made me weep with desire.

Well done to all.

Wow, what a great weekend! And hats off to everyone who did the 100 miler.

I was on the 30 with my 13 year old son. He couldn't wait to lose me and left me for dust after the first mile. I saw him again at the finish! Beautiful jaw dropping scenery, some killer hills, amazingly friendly locals ... we had a choir at the end of one of the tunnels on the Monsal Trail, surreal, and the acoustics was amazing ...

Great festival, loved the outdoor cinema (Flying Scotsman / Belleview Rendezvous), lovely vintage bikes, great period cycling gear, some awesome beards and 'taches! Good food and beer, nice cyclejumble - got a pair of lovely NOS wool/chamois cycle shorts for just £15!

Oh, and the welcome musette bag was incredible, must have been at least £20/£25 of gear in it!

The organisers and all the marshals and helpers deserve a massive pat on the back :D


Little Aitch at the start on his £50 1950 Raleigh Lenton that he uses for school ...

Me and the Jim Guard that I'd only finished the night before and had never ridden before :oops: It was beautiful to ride though, really fell in love with it. Cyclo Ace 3 speed worked a treat.