L'Eroica Britannia 2015

  • Thread starter Deleted member 24574
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Whilst I have some agreement with some of your points you come across like some sort of jilted lover hell bent on putting the boot in ... something about this event has clearly got right up you nose which is impressive given you didn't even go.

It is a shame that the organisers didn't / have not engaged with this forum but if I were them reading some of the posts here I wouldn't bother either ...

The event sold out, received rave reviews and will no doubt do so again. I will be going again (assuming the dates don't clash with races) and I guess you won't go ... everyone is happy ...

Jilted Johnsqual? It's not fair, yeah yeah...

I do feel a certain sense of betrayal, since the organisers of L'Eroica Britannia seem to
be using the principles and values that lie behind L'Eroica to market their event, but haven't
shown much sign of doing much to concretely live up to those principles themselves. Indeed, by trying to move the event, they have arguably gone directly against the idea of loyalty to a particular region or area.

I wouldn't want to rule out riding L'Eroica Britannia (there is no denying that it looks like a good course), but at the moment I'd probably ride without registering and give a donation to an organisation like Sustrans to support the upkeep of the trails that are used.

I don't want people who took part to feel like I'm attacking them: my main aim has been to show up some problems with the attitude and ethos of the organisers, not the participants.
I went last year and it was a brilliant weekend. £70 is a lot of money, but I don't mind that 'the general public' got in for free, that made it all the better when everyone was cheering us to the finish line!

Also, who would want a closed of 'festival' only of those who paid, come race time the site would have been dead!

I think turning up on the day just to ride would lose some / the vast majority of the fun I got from the weekend. Having a wander round with your bike in hand chatting to other cyclists in the sun was great.

Sure I'm sure I could have saved £40 quid and do it elsewhere, but bakewells lovely and I treated it as a holiday :)
Aw....don't have a barney!
When all is said and done, it's another thing we can get involved in.....I've ridden the italian version twice and loved it.....I didn't go to this last year as I had similar reservations....ie, Italy €30, england £70.... It grated a bit. When the event happened though, I regretted not going due to my stubbornness!

They have these kinds of rides all over Europe, and now we have one! Support it, I say :0)
Did it last year and the festival was a brilliant part of it and kept Mrs Dave happy while I did the ride.

I've just entered. Site was a bit grumpy.

Looking forward to it.
Too true. £60 for the ride (£45 for oldies) and another £60 for camping. Still I suppose it is sort of ok for 3 days of entertainment. Anyway, I have signed up for it. No thanks to the website which seemed a real palaver to use.
Just need to sort out a bike with loooo...w gears now !

I was all up for this in 2014, I even had a bike I was going to build up, and then I realised it clashed with another 'must do' event much closer to home.

I didn't like the fact that I was expected to pay for a camp site I wasn't going to use last year, and other events do the same thing, better and cheaper, but clearly from all the coverage after the event it was a roaring success and I was sorry I missed it.

I think the separate entry and camping fees this year is a much fairer system for those who don't wish to camp. Unfortunately, I will still miss it, as it still clashes with another 'must do' event much closer to home.

I hope the weather is kind again this year, and I look forward to seeing the pictures and reports after the event.

Booked it tonight, doing the 100 mile course on my new to me Gios Torino Super Record that I have yet to ride. Will be there camping from the Saturday. :D
