L'Eroica Britannia 2015

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daccordimark":2g37a8mo said:
Old Ned":2g37a8mo said:
Montello":2g37a8mo said:
I'd recommend staying in site to get the full festival vibe ... Toilets and showers were a bit rough but that's all part of the experience.
That's the problem for me - the 'festival experience'. I don't want it. Even though I don't class myself as 'old', at my age I don't want to sleep badly in a tent, share rough showers and toilets, watch jugglers and other similar 'lifestyle' acts. I want to sleep in my own bed, use my own toilet, eat a civilised breakfast, drive to the event - and just RIDE it.

And not pay extra for the things I don't want. It's probably the main reason that I didn't enter this year.

Call me a 'Miserable Old Ned' if you want but I would gladly pay a sensible entry fee to be able to ride only on the day.

However, I suppose that I am 'lucky' enough to be able to get to Bakewell relatively easily for an early morning start.

You're a Miserable Old Ned!!!!

but I agree with you

Sorry? You'll have to speak up, I'm getting on a bit you know :roll:
Old Ned, have you considered a caravan or camper van ? You get your own bed, toilet plus cooking and washing facilities. You can hire one just for the weekend.

I see the number of riders has been increased to 3000 so hopefully we can all get in. Bookings are open in November.

How long before we get an outbreak of "why do I have to use old style pedals" and "can I use a carbon fibre fork" ? ;)

In conclusion, the ticker on the left may show this as my 100th post to this esteemed forum. Cake may be sent by PM :D
I think just turning up for the ride would be a waste of money, if you are not going to participate in the broader festival why bother ?

I must admit that it was the "festival" that put me off. A nice collection of bikes to look at would be nice but non cycling events or entertainment wouldn't, nor would a band etc. I would like to just turn up for the day, have the atmosphere and ride the ride. The question about why wouldn't you want the festival just shows that we don't all want the same thing. I have no worries about camping but I have never seen any non permanent camping that is any good. Bogs are always over subscribed. Commercial food is always overpriced and usually poor quality.
Of course as this is nothing but a money maker it wouldn't be in the interests of the organisers to allow for day tickets anyway as they would take less money when they are not reducing what they offer. Can't blame them for that.
Finally to be positive about shoes! Why not just buy some adaptors or bolt on shoes plates? I have 3 pairs that fit 2 bolt shoes and 1 pair for 3 bolt shoes. As long as the shoes match the bike of course! ;)
If you are not into the full package I'd not bother, last year the naysayers stayed away and the atmosphere was excellent. Last thing the event needs is a load of whingers turning up bringing down the vibe ...

One of the various nasty things about last year's event was that the organisers
seemed to choose to announce that the festival was free after having roped in the cyclists
to pay for registering.

It seems to me that they wanted to shift as much as possible of the costs and risks
onto the cyclists, only to then milk as much out of the festival as possible by letting everyone
else in for free.

There's nothing wrong with letting the public in for free - the more the merrier and all that, but I think it was underhand of the organisers to let people think the festival was part of what they were paying for, and to dump all the organisation costs directly onto the cyclists.
Doesn't exactly make you think the whole thing is organised by people who care much about cyclists, does it?

If the festival part is free, you're basically paying 70 quid to do the ride alone (plus a substandard camping pitch in a field and some grim showers and toilets). 70 quid is a lot for a cyclo, especially compared to the alternatives on offer...
Montello":2hbgdra0 said:
If you are not into the full package I'd not bother, last year the naysayers stayed away and the atmosphere was excellent. Last thing the event needs is a load of whingers turning up bringing down the vibe ...


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Montello":2rse3hac said:
I think just turning up for the ride would be a waste of money, if you are not going to participate in the broader festival why bother ?

Fair point, there are lots of opportunities for organised rides where only older bikes are allowed and we can chew the fat about the good old days of cycling before the whole thing became a "scene" and corporate greed took over from good old fashioned values of honesty and integrity. Oh, wait a minute, there aren't!

Am I right in thinking that there is only one option with this event? It's to pay an entry fee for the whole festival to include several night's camping, all the festival activities and do one of the rides? If so it does cut out any riders who just want to enjoy the ride aspect and the drooling over classic bikes. Why not have a price for that as well? Would it have been so hard for the organizers to cater for the "Miserable Old Neds" of this world as well as festival goers who appreciate a bit extra?
