L'eroica 2015 - prices doubled!


How come its doubled ? We`ve just booked and its cost me and my partner another £25 each, hardly doubled has it ? Just over £8 a day increase for a 3 day festival, considering last years was a steal im not complaining.
Re: Re:

sagwagon":3djyp8xb said:
How come its doubled ? We`ve just booked and its cost me and my partner another £25 each, hardly doubled has it ? Just over £8 a day increase for a 3 day festival, considering last years was a steal im not complaining.

As far as I can see, for one person taking a partner who's not doing the ride it comes to £130 quid, so that's nearly double. And the camping that was 'free' last year has shot up to 20 quid a night.

If both people are doing the ride, it's £180 quid, which is still a 40 quid hike over last year.

They're charging 20 quid a night for camping which, according to even the biggest propagandists for this event was sub-standard last year. Maybe they will offer better camping this time. Maybe not. I suspect not.

The average price for equivalent events on the continent is about 35 Euro.
I don't know how an event that's more than double the price of the equivalents could ever be called a 'steal'.
You know really these organisers dont stand a chance do they ! Reading these comments i`d throw in the towel !. Its cost me just shy of £200 quid, last year £150 for two people riding the 55m Last years event was a steal at £75 and i doubted at the time if it was enough, obviously not. The camping was ok, the washroom facilities not, but during the event they did bring on more facilities. Ultimately that falls on the contactors who obviously got their sums wrong. Ultimately if you arent happy dont go. We loved it last year and cant wait for this years. 2000 tickets sold in 24 hours looks like the organisers have got it catastrophically wrong !
Still don't understand where you're getting 'a steal' from at those prices.

In terms of conning people into paying for an overpriced event, they are clearly getting it right.

In terms of treating people honestly, decently and fairly, I'd say they are getting it catastrophically wrong.

And the 'if you don't like it, piss off' argument is spurious. I'd love to come and take part in an event like this in the UK - why does doing so have to involve being ripped off?
£33 a day for a great 3 day festival of old bikes, rides, entertainment, people from all over the globe, beautiful scenery, trade stalls, jumble, good food , excellent beer, fantastic atmosphere, dodgy British weather, great food stops etc etc thats how much its costing me. Cant wait.
One mans rip-off is anothers great value. You're trying to impose your values on other people and that doesn't work. This event is expensive is you compare it to some cheapo events but I've done the Italian one and compared to that, this is an absolute billy-bargain. But even when not comparing it to Italy, I think what they are offering is great value.

If you want to take part in an event like this you have choices - pay up, or don't come. You're not being gouged, you're being offered a choice - thats all.

Yeah, all organised by people who don't seem to give a much of a stuff about the local community, the traders who participate, the groups who are responsible for the trails used, other events in the UK, ordinary cyclists, or the ideas and principles the real Eroica in Italy was based on.

At the various events I'm planning to go and support (Retro Ronde, Vacamora Paris-Roubaix, the real Eroica, etc...), I'll be paying approx 10-20 euro a day to enjoy all of what you've listed plus some courses used in legendary races and events, organised by and for real cyclists.

It's perfectly possible to do things without ripping off your core supporters.

I think we`ll agree to differ, lifes too short. I would definitely fire your comments at the organisers as i would be very interested in their reply.
If you're able to enjoy the real Eroica for 10-20 Euros a day then chapeau to you.

But to get to Italy I had to buy an airline ticket, get a bike box to put my bike in, pay for an expensive taxi transfer the other side to Gaiole, rent an apartment, pay the entry fee, transfer back afterwards etc.