I don't think you guys understand the workings over here. One only has to look at "America's past time" Major League Baseball. It came to light that a number of the long ball hitters (home run hitting specialists) were juicing. The US Congress held Congressional hearings on the matter (it would be akin to a bunch of Manchester players caught juicing being hauled in front of the House of Lords to testify in the matter). A Congressional hearing is a very serious matter. Numerous "suspects" admitted under oath that they used steroids, and were given slaps on the wrists along with their records being sanctioned (Mark Mc Guire). The ones proven to have lied under oath were given jail sentences (Barry Bonds to start). There are the same hearings going on over the drug use in cycling. To make matters worse for a few (Lance, George, Tyler), they were all effectively employed by the US Postal Service (which like RM, is a branch of the Federal Government) with strict no drug clauses in their contracts. If Lance wasn't so arrogant and came out and said yes, I used drugs. We all use drugs. I won on a level playing field" he'd be looking at the same salap on the wrist that George and Tyler are looking at, but he continues to lie, and the US Federal Government is not amused. When the US Government is not amused with you, their army of lawyers goes about to destroy you. That's the way it works.
This is not over. He's going to get sued for breach of contract and have to pay fines and restitution, eventually. Mark my words.