Lamp Post Bikes


Dirt Disciple

Just wondered if anyone had any experience of this!!

You walk down the same street a few times a day and every time you reach 'that' lamp post you see 'that' bike again. You know the one. The one with the missing seat and buckled wheels :( .. only thing is the frame looks half decent, probably an early 80's Carlton or something. After a few weeks the wreck is still there obviously abandoned by the owner... You start to feel sorry for it and grow fond of the frame, thinking you could do something with it.. restore it maybe :cool:

Well.. here's the question. How would you go about 're-claiming' the bike? Simply wait around to see if someone shows up? Leave a note attached to the bike or woulf you go to the police? I have no idea.. :? :roll:

Any help would be appreciated.
i guess its theft, unless you can prove its yours, if you made something up.......????

i guess the council will just take them away eventually. i pass loads on my travels.
Yeah.. i know. But, if the bike has been there for so long and can be seen as a 'Tripping Hazzard' or something due to the vandalised nature of the ride and you also can prove its been neglected, surely you could just ease it off the post :twisted: .

In all seriousness, there is one near where i live and its not been touched for months. The frame in intact, but everything else looks knackered. Would love to re-build and look after it :cry: . Might get in touch with the council to see what can be done.
My friend had just this same thought some months ago. There was this bike locked to a road sign outside his shop for months, seemingly unused. One day he liberated it by lifting it high enough to pass the lock over the road sign.

Well next day the police were outside talking to a girl who was reporting the theft of her bike. :oops:

could leave a not attached for a week or so maybe?

we should make a resuce group......RBRS retro bike rescue services :LOL:
I once built a bike solely from lampost and railing bikes when I lived in Brighton & Hove.

I was a git back then too.
legrandefromage":1vjqk9i4 said:
I once built a bike solely from lampost and railing bikes when I lived in Brighton & Hove.

I was a git back then too.

I once built one solely from lamposts and railings!
Someone from Halfords saw it and they pinched the idea before I could patent it!
The thieving corporate bas***ds!
azaro":2cn5oiki said:
legrandefromage":2cn5oiki said:
I once built a bike solely from lampost and railing bikes when I lived in Brighton & Hove.

I was a git back then too.

I once built one solely from lamposts and railings!
Someone from Halfords saw it and they pinched the idea before I could patent it!
The thieving corporate bas***ds!

Very true.. Haha!!

Im just imagining a thread. 'From Lamp Post to Loved' what a resto thread that would be.. Getting tearful thinking about it.
legrandefromage":3oz8zkm2 said:
I was a git back then too.

Annoying git, sad git.
Be specific.Theres a lot of gits out there :LOL:

:oops: I'll get me coat .......

...but yes. I see bikes not moved and have a mental tab on some. One bike reached 15 months before I had the courage to liberate the M730 XT cranks at an appropriate time.

The bike that was fitted with said cranks was stolen the first day I went to work and locked it in a public place. Dog eat dog? Hand of (a) god? Easy come easy go? Karma?

My general rule is locked = don't touch.

Road side wrecks that are clearly dumped I have no hesitation. I make a judgement call if someone has hidden a punctured bike to come back later and collect....

Right now, there is a steel low/mid end full rigid frame and forks with a fairly tasty STX gruppo my size without wheels lying in the rain unlocked for at least 12 months just 70 meters from the door....

200 meters from the door is a modern AL frame bolted to the railings that was unfortunatly raped at an early age - started with suspension forks, then rear wheel, then rear mech, then disk brakes, then front mech. It has a rather nice Truvative crank (albeit ISIS) still left on it and chain that probably is only 0.03% worn but rusty. It's been there for at least a 14 months now.

What to do? More tat or fill up the spares part bin or sell it on or leave it for the council or eventual police auction or be green and recycle it to improve my carbon footprint or build it up and donate to the charity shop or ship it to an orphen in Somalia?

Or should I simply focus on other things and don't notice and be normal :?:

Any retrobike doctors here or will the diagnose be biased ;)