Old School Hero
Kona Joe Murray future shock "Project 2" 1992 version in very good used conditions. Elastomers are KO, but the rest is well mantained. Steering tube 1-1/8 147mm long treaded.
This fork is very rare, I post a courius story taken from konaworld.com:
1992 - The Future Shock fork is introduced, a leading-link design by Joe Murray. In a very amicable agreement with Specialized, the name is changed to Z-Link. The fork is a total flop, is never safe to ride, and all stock is dumped into the Straight of San Juan de Fuca.
You can understand we are talking about a little piece of hostory of the mtb priced 230€ plus shipping costs.
This fork is very rare, I post a courius story taken from konaworld.com:
1992 - The Future Shock fork is introduced, a leading-link design by Joe Murray. In a very amicable agreement with Specialized, the name is changed to Z-Link. The fork is a total flop, is never safe to ride, and all stock is dumped into the Straight of San Juan de Fuca.
You can understand we are talking about a little piece of hostory of the mtb priced 230€ plus shipping costs.