Hi !
Thank you for your answer.

Interesting to know that the Pepperoni exists with 1'1/8" steerer and threadless. I've found nothing for now but I'd be very glad to find an old Cannondale (one of my friends is interested in the Scott, we must arrange something about that). I had a hard time to find the Kona and I think it'll be the same story for a Cannondale. I've seen some F700 and like everyone here, I would of course love to have one !

But the prices are very high and I would even prefer an M or an SM. I stumbled on an SM 500 at a good price, it seemed all original but I wasn't sure of the year and if I was to buy this bike specifically, I'd choose the '84 model because of the 24" wheel (or the '86 SM 700, which has the same diameter). And the seller wasn't able to say me precisely what year his bike was (and when I contacted him, he said the bike was on the site for long but also that another person contacted him the day before me).
I saw another one, an SM 700, restomodded and chromed, a pure beauty, but the price was really too high (for me that is, like 700 €, a lot for a nearly 35 year-old bike). So, I'll wait (I have the patience of the alligator waiting for its next meal under the muddy water

). I also keep an eye on models like the M200se or the M300 but damn ! They're nowhere to be found ! :'(
And I also keep an eye on some Sunn, because cock-a-doodle-doo ! They're french like me and it's a firm that's not far from where I live. And because, of course, they're very nice bikes. (I have a pic of one I found recently, I'll contact the seller as soon as I've sold the Scott). See below.
As you see, head full of projects. And I'm not even only into bikes. I'm also into computers (a big collection of laptops, nearly 50, and I still need to add several models to it). Takes time to maintain all these babies !

And I'm also a pianist and I have to play a lot. Wish the days were longer (If Elon Musk wants someone to go on Mars, I'm his man, the days are twice longer than ours out there !

Kind regards !