kelloggs pro tour

I decided to fit a new set of decals after all, I was going to get the frame painted first, but thought, you know what, it's got over a quarter of a century of battle scars, keep them and just tart it up with the new stickers.

Had another ride out today on it, now I've Done quite a few miles on it I'm feeling quite at home on it now, the combi brake/shifters levers have made such a difference to the quality of the ride. I know it's a new bike in an old frame and may be frowned upon by the retro purists but hey it's whatever floats your boat so to speak. I've enjoyed building it in it's various guises and hopefully will give me years of pleasure :mrgreen:


  • Raleigh_Kelloggs_Pro_Tour_12_June_2014.jpg
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I've said it before, and I'll say it again...

"Keep spreading the good name of the Heron"
Thank you very much MrW, it's nice to see at least one person appreciates the "Not Worthy :roll: " end of the bike scale :p Well this Heron as evolved with the times and has got better with age :mrgreen: Long Live the Heron!!
Just had a couple of days riding up the Yorkshire Coast on the Raleight KPT, Photo is overlooking Scarborough, had a great time doing it, apart from losing the split link in the chain a few miles outside of Ravenscar, the only place nearby was an old lodge size of a mansion, but what a great bloke he was, he loaded the bike in the back of his 4x4 and took me and the bike nearly 20 miles to Halfrauds so I could get a split link, he wouldn't take a penny off me for fuel or his time. Normally I do carry a spare split link and everything else including the kitchen sink lol but as we were camping I had to travel light by order of the wife, that's the last time I take notice of her!!


  • Raleigh_Kelloggs_Pro_Tour_Scarborough_3_July_2014.jpg
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