Karma Section.? poll added.

Good Idea? Bad Idea? Karma Section.

  • Good Idea.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bad Idea.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • We have enough sections.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
agree a bit with drystonepaul - should karma be "organised" :?: :?

gives me an idea :idea:

could have "karmaed" my wishes :LOL:

sorry less of a gift to english speakers ;)

here there are ➡️

Et voila une nouvelle année qui démarre,
Sous des auspices que l'on nous prédit noirs.
Faut il se laisser aller et un peu y croire ?
Non, oh jamais non car il nous faut l'espoir.

L'espoir de voir tout en plus jolies couleurs,
Car c'est ce qui va conjurer nos vilaines peurs.
C'est parce que nous saurons voir dans tout le meilleur,
Que notre vie de tous les jours aura plus de saveur.

Alors veuillez recevoir en ce début d'année,
Mes voeux de bohneur, réussite et surtout santé.
Que vous et tous vos proches aimés soient comblés,
Dans leur "entreprises", espoirs et bien sur foyers.

My mastering of english is flawed, I confess
I cannot write identical rhymes being flawless
So I send wishes of health, wealth and happiness
To my english speaking friends; just shorter I guess !

Bruno and his family ;-)
1st RULE: You do not talk about Karma club.

2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about Karma Club.


8th RULE: If this is your first time at Karma CLUB, you HAVE to Karma.

You get the idea....
muppetman":3777pij8 said:
1st RULE: You do not talk about Karma club.

2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about Karma Club.


8th RULE: If this is your first time at Karma CLUB, you HAVE to Karma.

You get the idea....
Have to hand it to you, that's the first time I've seen a seamless segue from eastern philosophy to narcissistic self-destruction.

All the same, I admire you for drawing the parallel.

No shirts, no shoes. Apart from Bob Paulson, he can still wear his shirt.
drystonepaul":3g4ppicv said:
In my very own personal opinion, there is already lots of karma which takes place on here which goes relatively unannounced, without turning it into a public display of generosity or faux generosity.

Changed my mind and agree with Paul. No need to draw attention, if you want to give sumfink away just stick it in the FS section.
I wouldn't nessesarily call it a bad idea.
I just don't think it's needed, It seems to work well the way it is.
I suspect most of it is done via PM anyway from and to people who know each other.
What this site desperately needs is a new technical section if anything. The number of stuck seatposts/ mashed BB/ polishing my Zaskar/ which paint/ removing anno threads
are getting tiresome. Not only that but some of the offered solutions and replies are downright crazy and sometimes dangerous!

It would need a good moderator who knows their onions though.