Just me?


Old School Grand Master
I find myself feeling saddened by the fact an old mountain bike can be worth 20g's. Kind of ruins retro bikes for me. No doubt it's a very important piece in how mtbs developed but 20 big ones for an old bike? Wonder what Joe thinks about it....
i assume something is on ebay (by joe breeze?) for daft money?

i'd love to buy something like that if i had lottery winning amounts of money AND ACTUALLY RIDE IT!

just to annoy the museum hide it away type of collectors! :twisted:
just saw Pat's advert.

i understand what you're saying but maybe the owner knows what it is potentially worth and wants it to go to someone who understands what it is.

also it may be being sold for a good reason, remember FTW's sale of his holiday bike for his friend?

it's not actually my cup of tea bikewise, but i do understand the history of it.
jamabikes":2cyc11ea said:
I find myself feeling saddened by the fact an old mountain bike can be worth 20g's. Kind of ruins retro bikes for me. No doubt it's a very important piece in how mtbs developed but 20 big ones for an old bike? Wonder what Joe thinks about it....

Not sure why it's an issue. This is a genuine museum piece and probably represents a good investment long term.
jamabikes":2zl16tla said:
I find myself feeling saddened by the fact an old mountain bike can be worth 20g's. Kind of ruins retro bikes for me. No doubt it's a very important piece in how mtbs developed but 20 big ones for an old bike? Wonder what Joe thinks about it....

Sounds like retro bikes were easily ruined for you!

The thing that would disturb me more is the number of bikes touted on here as something special that were really nothing of the kind when they arrived.

Now something that is genuinely historic turns up, I would hesitate to put a price on it.

I would guess it many thousands of times rarer than some of the bikes fetching thousands.

That makes it sound a fair price to me.
highlandsflyer":5ksgyihv said:
The thing that would disturb me more is the number of bikes touted on here as something special that were really nothing of the kind when they arrived.

Now something that is genuinely historic turns up, I would hesitate to put a price on it.

Quite, I'm not bothered by the high prices that original Cunninghams, Breezers, whatever, fetch these days.

I am truly astounded by the value that people seem to place on bikes that were commonplace BITD. Old bikes (and their components) seem to have become expensive simply because they are old, not for any intrinsic interest or value.
John":16927lyi said:
jamabikes":16927lyi said:
I find myself feeling saddened by the fact an old mountain bike can be worth 20g's. Kind of ruins retro bikes for me. No doubt it's a very important piece in how mtbs developed but 20 big ones for an old bike? Wonder what Joe thinks about it....

Not sure why it's an issue. This is a genuine museum piece and probably represents a good investment long term.

That's exactly my issue. I build and ride bikes for fun, can you imagine some one saying that to you when you started mtbing?

Am sure the bike is worth that to some, but just doesn't sit well with my possibly idealistic view of bike riding.
I'd buy it if I had $20K, screw it I'd get on a plane and go and pick it up!

Proper bit of history there :cool:
My issue isn't whether is worth 20k or not it's the fact that an old bike could be. If you could go back in time and say to Joe "in 20 odd years this bike will sell for over 20000 dollars to some one who will put it in a museum and never ride it." wonder what he would say?
Its not a hard coversation to imagine...

Me: "Hey Joe, in 20 odd years this bike will sell for over 20000 dollars to some one who will put it in a museum and never ride it."

Joe: "I'd better make a few more and keep them in the shed then."
