Is your bike worth more than your car?

dbmtb":2doqpvcq said:
Anywhere else in the world my bikes would be worth more than the car...

But danish car duties are insane which keeps the price on second hand cars equally insane.

Exactly the same here in Singapore.

I tried to use this as a case to spend more money on bikes ... and failed!
I don't actually have a regular drive car, I ride my bikes for most commuting (I am spoiled by the weather here and in the middle of winter at the moment I still head to work at 6am in lycra). I do however have a few old muscle cars (now worth much more than I paid for them) and my old Ducati but they just sit under the house for weekends, they are just toys!
lol, oooh i love this thread, you know it had crossed my mind that when i turned up at some meet or event in my battered old toyota with a cple of grands worth of bike on the back there would be nudging and winking , and lots off ooh poor chap, spent all his money on bikes, priorities all wrong that one,

love the Audi Alps story

the reason for my old lady's favourite toyota is it goes and goes, no passion no joy no fun, thats what my bikes are for, the car i just want to be safe and cheap and reliable

you know, I'm really happy im not the only one :cool: :cool: :LOL: :cool:
My torus has cost about £800 and the red single speed about £500 :shock:
But i suppose thats peanuts compared to some of you obsessives :LOL: :LOL:

Both the above bikes started off as designed for pottering about ,to the shops etc etc,cheap and cheerful and safe to lock up in the city centre.

Something went wrong and i just kept 'upgrading' :oops:
I know who is to blame :LOL:
Our 1994 Mk3 Golf is probably worth about £250 (on a good day), so any one of my bikes is worth more than that (and I don't have any expensive bikes either.....)

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