Well, from the bikes i own, i can tell you this...
Rts - could be a great xc bike, nice geometry (even with the Standard Mag 21 Sl, without longtravel kit), but the kickback is HUGE. Not the same great feeling i had bitd...
Lts - Smooth, very smooth, never looses traction on rocky climbs, and feels great going down the trail. Too bad you can´t find a good compromise between climbing performance and efficiency, and smooth absorving capacity down the hill...
Manitou Fs - to me, one of the closest rides to nowadays bike behaviour. Not much rear travel, so you don´t feel the rear going down too much, smooth and plush when going down, good riding position, makes you feel confident down the hill, and it feels very fast going up...
Proflex 752 - works and feels like a softail, not sure if it can be considered a full sus...
it´s more like the Ritchey SoftTail...
They´re all kinda fun for a small ride, But i would never leave my Storck Organic at home and go out with one of these to a long ride.
Full suspension bikes did got better. Just my 2 cents...