Is c2c possible on a rigid bike... with 1 gear or am I mad?


Dirt Disciple
I haven't done anything ridiculous for a little while now so I was thinking about trying the coast to coast up north but I have several reservations. Namely...

- My bike. Its a 95(ish) C16r (seasick Tina) with rather lovely f7 rigid forks. Rigid bike versus rocks?

- My gears. I've only got one and to be honest don't hold with more than that. If God had meant me to cycle up hills he would have given me a bike that can get into the granny ring without fuss!

- My Southerness. I hear there are rocks and mountains and things up north and that worries me. It worries me that all the hills (up and down them) reduce me to a weeping mess.

So my questions are...
- Is C2C possible on a rigid single speed?
- Is it possible in 4 days?
- Should I just bite the bullet and reattach gears and my old set of Z2 bombers OR (as I suspect) will they just be more trouble than they are worth in the wildernes miles from a bikeshop?


Do you have the route details?

For me the worst thing will be spinning out on descents, any climbs that warrant a granny ring will be quicker to push, in yorkshire anyway.
Rigid? yes certainly.
I would run the 'rather have it but not need it, than need it but not have it philosophy. As, you will still have the option to simply not shift, but the gearing when you need it.
I'm unsure of the 'usual' when it comes to time frames but i've heard of 4 and 5 days. if you have the details we may be able to advise on cycle friendly towns enroute that have good bike shops and mc donalds (take chip n pin and have bogs). ;)
I'm doing the Whitehaven to Tynemouth route in 3 days in September.

I'm definitely doing it on a rigid bike, and was pondering SS too. I'm erring towards doing it on a 1x9 bike though.

I can live with spinning out, as long as i don't break myself! I was going to buy the route guide. I've been looking into gps coordinates but any leads/links gratefully accepted! I was thinking 4 days so good to know it can be done in 3.

I few of us did Workington to Sunderland in a day, a long day, all on rigid with orange71 having 3 usable gears and a saddlebag full of rocks that had somehow got in there at the start. Blessed by great weather. You'll love it.
In a day! CTC tells me thats 140miles. That was on road right?! Well thats convinced me its doable sans gears. I'm going to aim for 3-4 days. I reckon I'm going to travel light. I had a practice carrying my full camping gear in panniers for a weekend away and it was a pain. A couple of weeks ago I lugged it around in a 70 litre backpack and that was worse!

Yes that was about 65percent road and the rest track. It took 13 hours of riding time. We had a van which we met up with about every two hours so didn't have to carry much. It really was a great ride.
All the best.

Yep. That's me sold on it. Route guide is ordered, os maps have been borrowed... Just need to get fit now. Urk!

In short; yes.

Last time I did the C2C was in December 2004. We did it in three days on mountain bikes and in fancy dress. It was well below freezing every day, and it snowed a lot on the second day, which coincided with climbing over the North Pennines.

A group of us will be doing it again this coming December to commemorate that original crossing.

This time we'll be doing it wearing tweed. I'll be riding a 1940's vintage single geared roadster bike complete with 28 inch steel rims and rod brakes. Two of my fellow riders are threatening to do it on a vintage tandem.

As already mentioned, most of it is on quiet roads, and the few steep hills are good for a sociable get off and push if required.

It's a great ride though.