
Montague Rhodes

Dirt Disciple
Given that I intend to be sifting through all the big brains on here for advice it seems only polite to introduce myself first.
Hello everyone. I am John.
Welcome aboard John :)
Sit back have a look around and join in the banter :)

Its all good fun until somebody gets hurt.

Re: Re:

jm":nd5l5ruz said:
Hi John,lots of us on here.John.

Hello all. Yes, shake a tree and five Johns will fall out of it.

Avalonian. My Cannondale Synapse as my racey/fitness-type thing. An Giant Hybrid boneshaker for shopping.


I've finally bought myself the Dawes Galaxy that I always lusted after. That's mainly why I'm here.

Mainly I say, 'cus while I've always had a bike and liked riding, it's only since the start of this year that it's become something I'm dedicating a lot of time and thought into. Since early adulthood really. (a while back that!) I'm finding the maintenance and tinkering a chief attraction - in a way that it never was as a kid, back then it was more a necessity as I had no money. And **** bikes.

My gf rides too and again always has. We both love retro, so, you know... "retro bike"!?

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