Imlach's Sweaty Hippie Funk Collection, adventure bikes, rusty rats, cruisers and other alt bastardisations of bicyclery

How to make a road bike cool.

I actually had a nightmare over this last night.


I dreamt I was the Cervelo design and production engineer. A zillion hours spent studying mechanical engineering, researching materials, shapes, production technics, making budgets and renting hours in aerospace wind tunnels, engaging with top athletes for feedback, doing stress tests with all the latest electronic measurement transducers and being there when a great olympic time trailist rode it to victory.

Then I see it on the street. I wonder what the actual fcuk, how it could end up on LFGSS with people giving opinions how to make it "Rad, Sick and Far Out". My life work feels immediately destroyed.
:) ..... just my opinion, but you are both right and both wrong :p

It's a specialist bike ( more here ) from 2005 I gather.

Wouldn't the better thing to do is at least preserve it for it's intended purpose? Say a younger rider getting into the sport, and not spending too much money for a dedicated fast bike? You can't honestly say it's the best choice to be chained up to railings and ridden in an urban environment with traffic lights every so often; plenty of other bikes can fill that need far far better.

I see the "love" aspect, but I also see the "abuse" aspect too.
If we're getting angry at people for modifying bikes beyond their intended purpose, can we call the Repack gang on the carpet for what they did to all those beautiful pre war Schwinns?
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Remember how we got here, folks. By ruining bikes.

🤔 .... not sure about ruining bikes.

Thing is though, at the time, didn't those Schwinns make complete sense to be the spring board for the new ATB?

Namely strong, in abundance and largely out of fashion. They were put to good use again.

The Cervelo is not put to good use again. At least not to it's best use, and they were certainly not in abundance.