Ibis Titanium with Kona P2 Titanium forks??

ahhh yes, they copied the design and think they improved it. snigger. I never noticed it being a problem. I loved the transfer of power.
Re: Re:

player":2domyyg7 said:
Are.we seeing a retro bubble in general do you think?

As there's a lot of stuff that wasn't reaching what it was a year ago and now it's like everyones going bananas over anything of retro coolness.

I think its the new age kids at it again. We rely on their whims :LOL:
Re: Re:

dyna-ti":1y8493xc said:
player":1y8493xc said:
Are.we seeing a retro bubble in general do you think?

As there's a lot of stuff that wasn't reaching what it was a year ago and now it's like everyones going bananas over anything of retro coolness.

I think its the new age kids at it again. We rely on their whims :LOL:

Give it till next year and we're be millionaires Rodney....
Just what I was going to say mr_ship - suddenly they've all discovered retro and I'm finding it incredibly hard not to be sarcastic about how far behind they are! :LOL:
"hey guys, does anybody remember these?!?!"
<insert photo of thumbshifters, Flite, rigid fork etc etc>

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