
Retro Newbie
Hi there guys!

Be carefull when buying bikes or parts from people on the forum!
I did not do basic checks and as I was really wanting that frame, I ended up paying and never receiving the frame I paid for... And the seller dissapeard and no answer anymore.

So I thought it is important to advice everyone here to take extra care.

(Now I can see I fell on a fraud sale).

I posted a "Wanted MTB" looking for a GT Xizang.
I member here (Rookie3) sent me a message saying a friend of his (Richard Bones) had one. He passed me his email (bonesrichard99 AT gmail.com).
(later/now I checked this member profile (Rookie3) was created only to send me that message).
So I sent an email to his "friend". He sent me photos of the bike/frame.
We agreed on payment and I did.
Then he stopped replying me. Never sent the extra photos I asked for. Never shipped the frame.
After 10 days he sent me an email saying things were difficult, he appologize the way things ended and he would think on 2 options to return my money... bla bla bla... It has been 10 days again...

Please be aware and take extra care.
I know I could have avoided that with basic care and verification. But I did not. I trusted this was a great forum (and I know there are bad people everywhere)...
Retro Bike has no fault on this. I just suggest only members with minimum amount of messages, verified phones, emails, etc should be allowed to contact other members... Just a thought now.

Take care!
Sorry to hear this happened to you. Report to the POLICE as its theft/fraud.

Lesson to everyone (if you don't know)

USE Paypal GOODS only
NO PROTECTION for payment sent by GIFT or FRIENDS for buyer OR seller. Buyer can claim they did not authorise payment and so seller can loose money. NEVER USE GIFT or FRIENDS.
Buyer pay via Paypal GOODS only.
Seller take PayPal GOODS only and either add the 4% fee onto the sale price or take the hit.

I'm being reparative for a reason.

Stay safe.

ocris":3patyccr said:
Hi there guys!

Be carefull when buying bikes or parts from people on the forum!
I did not do basic checks and as I was really wanting that frame, I ended up paying and never receiving the frame I paid for... And the seller dissapeard and no answer anymore.

So I thought it is important to advice everyone here to take extra care.

(Now I can see I fell on a fraud sale).

I posted a "Wanted MTB" looking for a GT Xizang.
I member here (Rookie3) sent me a message saying a friend of his (Richard Bones) had one. He passed me his email (bonesrichard99 AT gmail.com).
(later/now I checked this member profile (Rookie3) was created only to send me that message).
So I sent an email to his "friend". He sent me photos of the bike/frame.
We agreed on payment and I did.
Then he stopped replying me. Never sent the extra photos I asked for. Never shipped the frame.
After 10 days he sent me an email saying things were difficult, he appologize the way things ended and he would think on 2 options to return my money... bla bla bla... It has been 10 days again...

Please be aware and take extra care.
I know I could have avoided that with basic care and verification. But I did not. I trusted this was a great forum (and I know there are bad people everywhere)...
Retro Bike has no fault on this. I just suggest only members with minimum amount of messages, verified phones, emails, etc should be allowed to contact other members... Just a thought now.

Take care!
SavagePower":15nm3cew said:
Sorry to hear this happened to you. Report to the POLICE as its theft/fraud.

Lesson to everyone (if you don't know)

USE Paypal GOODS only
NO PROTECTION for payment sent by GIFT or FRIENDS for buyer OR seller. Buyer can claim they did not authorise payment and so seller can loose money. NEVER USE GIFT or FRIENDS.
Buyer pay via Paypal GOODS only.
Seller take PayPal GOODS only and either add the 4% fee onto the sale price or take the hit.

I'm being reparative for a reason.

Stay safe.

I think its more about common sense really, nothing at all wrong with using PP friends in certain transactions.l

Oh, and you will be pleased to hear the buyer did use Goods.

Hi Savagepower and ocris,
That's a really crappy thing to happen, sorry for you mate. I'm posting because I genuinely wasn't aware of the rule about PayPal gift here. Is it a hard rule or best advice? I ask only as I don't want to cone across as dodgy as buyer or seller of bits and it seemed pp gift is pretty standard here! By the way, if you want to see an example of making a complete horlicks of selling bits, go and check out my first ever post here selling some zipp cranks!

I really hope that this is resolved, but if you're sure the person has disappeared, agree with the advice about going to the police
Re: Re:

2manybikes":1e2vdare said:
Hi Savagepower and ocris,
That's a really crappy thing to happen, sorry for you mate. I'm posting because I genuinely wasn't aware of the rule about PayPal gift here. Is it a hard rule or best advice? I ask only as I don't want to cone across as dodgy as buyer or seller of bits and it seemed pp gift is pretty standard here! By the way, if you want to see an example of making a complete horlicks of selling bits, go and check out my first ever post here selling some zipp cranks!

I really hope that this is resolved, but if you're sure the person has disappeared, agree with the advice about going to the police

No rules, you can pay for items how you please on here! The friends option is often prefered so as to avoid silly fees amongst friends or trusted sellers. There is also the risk of trying to be scammed by a buyer wishing to pay by PP goods.
As others have said, common sense when buying from strangers. Not only due I used Paypal Gift but my linked card is credit card to this, in my view i'm doubly covered that way. Sorry to hear you have been scammed, must admit i've bought like mad over the last few years and never been let down. There have been posted circulated warning people of the scammers floating about the 'wanted' section here over last few months :(
Depending on who the seller is dictates which method I use on pp, although I've never paid 4% usually around 3% if that!
Re: Re:

PayPal GOODS You and buyer are covered.

PayPal gift or friends=no cover.

I was burnt years ago, don’t take the risk now.

2manybikes":2u5cji0k said:
Hi Savagepower and ocris,
That's a really crappy thing to happen, sorry for you mate. I'm posting because I genuinely wasn't aware of the rule about PayPal gift here. Is it a hard rule or best advice? I ask only as I don't want to cone across as dodgy as buyer or seller of bits and it seemed pp gift is pretty standard here! By the way, if you want to see an example of making a complete horlicks of selling bits, go and check out my first ever post here selling some zipp cranks!

I really hope that this is resolved, but if you're sure the person has disappeared, agree with the advice about going to the police
I got a similar message a few months ago that went along those lines. I could see that the member was new with few posts which instantly smelt like the bog. Scammers know that forums such as this one exist, unfortunately. A few days later, the same person had their account blocked. I assume admin was made aware?