i just wanted ask . . . is it me? or . . .

@jonnyboy666 I suspect its a consequence of you probably being an introvert in a public facing job. Your social contact batteries are exhausted by your work.

Generally, as I've got older - I've grown to like people better. But the kind of hobbies I have and work I do means I meet a lot of cool people.

Environmental issues aside, most of the evidence suggests the world is getting better. Less violent, more peaceful, better living conditions, longer healthier lives etc. I'd rather live now than at any other point in human history.

I do think the 24 hour news cycle and social media/related technologies isn't great for our collective mental health so have largely opted out. Currently on a month long news media fast - and it's been fantastic.
Spot on about the introvert/public facing for me.
@jonnyboy666 I’m also a retailer, you just come in to contact with all elements of life and their behaviours that it makes you really cynical. I’m no expert on personality types but have had lots of exposure to the theories about this through work over the years. An introvert having to interact with “people” will get worn out by this easily. An extrovert in the same situation will recharge their energy.

My work is customer/people facing and I’m an introvert. Somehow I really enjoy it. Tolerance and understanding are needed in abundance, I really have to try hard to see things from the view of the other person. Always need a power nap when I get home!

I saw a volunteer driver at one of the heritage steam train places cooking his breakfast on his own on a shovel in the engine. There, I thought, is a man living his best life.

Out in the garage, tinkering with my bikes, radio on and a good supply of strong tea and pretty much any biscuits, perfect day.
Jeez Jon, Time for a hug? I was going to pop in with a present for you, but you may have just changed my mind... :)

I'm a misanthrope too, but often have to remind myself that I can be just as bad as everyone else....
@My_Teenage_Self like i said, it's people i don't know that are my issue!! ;)

@greencat some of what you say makes sense to me, the social battery thing mainly, i never used to think i was specifically "introverted", as a kid i got referred to as shy etc, a fair bit of bullying at school, but once i got to a certain point in my life my attitude sort of changed to if you don't like me you can bugger off because i know i'm not the problem. but yeah crappy people really seem to stand out to me these days.
You're not alone. The older I get (I'm 55 in a couple of weeks) the more people just f@#£%^& annoy me intensely, the more I just want to be away from them. I walk around with a permanent scowl because people just don't know how to behave, everything from rudeness to pavement parking throughto swearing and smoking dope in the street .

Missus CTEC is a decade younger but she plans to retire when she hits 50, whereupon we will move from our fairly quiet village to the Highlands. Until then I hide on my allotment with my dawg.
I have noticed the lack of basic manners and peoples inability to moderate their unreasonable selfish behaviour in public ( which they don`t see to be aware of ) . When I was at school we had a headmaster who drummed into us the four `C` s Courtesy, Care , Consideration and Concern and I like to think I demonstrate those behaviours to this day , my Missus calls me Victor Meldrew as she`s a bit more liberal than me. There`s a perfect line in the comedy series `The IT crowd ` where the Irish guy Roy is asked about `people` and he just goes `People ? ......., what a bunch of bastards ! `
No it's not you. It's them.
Perhaps get a shrink?
(I already have one to whinge to)

I live in the country now (rural Australia).
What can I say?
At least there's more nature here and I feel that that recharges us introverts' batteries a bit.

Even so, I live in a tourist town.
Every year literally hoards of city people come and leave the supermarket looking ravaged.
I mostly can't wait for them all to f**k off again.
Is that bad?

Actually I was very reluctant to come here, but now that I'm here, I don't know how city people do it anymore.
Why don't more Brits move to the country?

The trouble then is work.😟

I've sort of more or less worked out that I prefer selling products to services. Less interaction with people then!🤪
ok so the confirmation of my thinking resumed this morning, i'll set the scene.

7 weeks ago i got my new van, after waiting 18 months for it because some giant 🐔 decided he wanted a bit of Ukraine, and this morning it needed to go back to them to have the bulkhead fitted, so i'm up at sparrows fart o'clock to be on the road just after 7 as they wanted it for 8am, i was running a bit late, but no issue, i driving down the A35 heading towards Ringwood, traffic suddenly slows, no problem, me and everyone else slow down, including the stain on the underpants of humanity behind me, then bang, yes the stain drove in to the back of my van, split the bumper, paint damage etc, there's maybe 600miles on the clock, i was not happy.

why did his mum have to keep the stain as a pet? it grew up in to a giant turd of a man who basically grunted it's only a scratch mate, i didn't fly off the handle, i took some pictures, he had no details to give other than the phone number of the business he worked for.

so i get to VW, told them what happened and could they quote while fitting the bulkhead and i'd phone that company and see what they want to do.

the guy you need to speak to isn't here yet. followed by, email the pictures to us.

follow up, can i speak to whoever now, no he doesn't want to speak to you, deal with our insurance, ok who are they? reluctantly chews out a name and number, turns out it's broker,"we don't deal with that sweetheart . . . and you need to speak to XYZ and they're on holiday", "you'll have to phone your insurance sweetheart" all said condescendingly.

i phone back the business having been quoted £600, suggest they should just pay direct to VW as it's done and dusted and they could even claim the VAT back, not interested, deal with our insurance, but they aren't available which is why i phoned you back

every one of the people i have to deal with in this situation were just horrible, didn't care, not my problem.

it's knocked me for 6 to be honest, i was looking at a good day when i got up, get something sorted on the van, go ride my bike. instead i'm just sat here frustrated and pissed off even more with the fact that people can be such crappy people.

in the end i have given all the details to my insurance and because VW had a cancelation today i told them to go ahead and do it today, i'll pay the £600 myself, then claim it back.

i hate feeling like i'm right about this, i don't want to become a miserable old bastard, but it feel like i'm being pushed in to being that way by these awful people that have been forced upon the world by having no limits on the amount of spunk that is allowed to be kept as a pet!

so that's my day anyway.