I have an urge not to stop - even at red lights.....

More pedestrians get killed by car driver than people on bikes get killed by car drivers.
So stay on the bike...

At least in the UK.
That's mainly because there are more pedestrians than cyclists. If you look at the deaths per mile travelled on foot in comparison with per mile travelled by bike, the difference is more slight, and cyclists are much more likely to be seriously injured (https://www.retrobike.co.uk/threads/cyclists-who-kill.449402/post-3320849).

None of that makes cycling through red lights a good idea, obviously.
Im guessing this thread didn’t get the response the OP intended ……
Actually no preconceptions about responses ... I have stopped at junctions only to have others cycle past me, I have crept across junctions with no traffic ... but I was most interested in the impulse to keep going ... there was (an apocryphal story) about a guy who was approaching work on his bike but instead of stopping he just kept going...and went all across Europe. I have the same impulse off road ... ride ride ride ... I just hate stopping ....
Out of interest when you are sat waiting for a light to change and a cyclist goes through on red …. What do you think? I know the word which I usually mutter to myself as it pains me the reputation us cyclists are getting and makes the road an unpleasant place to be because of it.

I’d suggest the places you ride could do with changing as I can go on multi hour rides without stopping once when I get out in the countryside. The lights that are around usually have sensors which see you approach.

Only in local and city riding are traffic lights an issue.

As mentioned before by another poster , get out on a group ride , race and you might find the impulse to keep riding goes away after a few hours …
Out of interest when you are sat waiting for a light to change and a cyclist goes through on red …. What do you think? I know the word which I usually mutter to myself as it pains me the reputation us cyclists are getting and makes the road an unpleasant place to be because of it.

I’d suggest the places you ride could do with changing as I can go on multi hour rides without stopping once when I get out in the countryside. The lights that are around usually have sensors which see you approach.

Only in local and city riding are traffic lights an issue.

As mentioned before by another poster , get out on a group ride , race and you might find the impulse to keep riding goes away after a few hours …
Oh indeed I have raced ... I think that's where the impulse comes from.... Today in the forest I did a flat out sprint on an upwards incline for about 5-600m and then eased up, only to have my riding partner stop tailing me and go for another sprint...I just couldn't help myself and off we went again....
You ride on roads?????? Off to woods I go ;)

Yes it is daft

This last 2 years I’ve found myself riding road and gravel far and far more.
Still was doing once a week on the MTB but rest has been on drop bars.

Now it’s winter I’m on the road every ride as time constraints are meaning its not worth having to clean the bikes/me every ride

Some years I’ve not touched the roadie and been just mtb and then others it’s been all road. Just ride what I fancy at that time but heart still lies with mtb

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