How does Karma work ?


Old School Grand Master
I understand about the give it away for free bit

but say within weeks it appears on that bad karma or opportunism?

or just gave it away what they do with it is upto them ?
End of the day, its the new owners to do as they will with.

Bit of a poor show if you ask me though.
I would say that was bad form and any retrobiker doing that should be name and shamed (that'll be their bad karma ;))

P.S. This is with reference to the first post (my interpretation)
Item given away on RetroBike as Karma, person takes it just to sell it on ebay (or seems like it)
Only if the new owners have spent time and money on the original Karma item should they sell it.

Otherwise bad form and not the Retrobike way.
stewlewis":1xiv3t1m said:
Only if the new owners have spent time and money on the original Karma item should they sell it.

Otherwise bad form and not the Retrobike way.

Agreed all Karma items should be passed on for free!!

Name and shame
I asked because I'm waiting on the seller to say yes they are okay with someone other than me picking it up and as soon as they say yer okay then I will put it out to karma

I just wasn't sure of the essence of the karma gift within rbuk and thought I'd best ask
This is not what real karma is about.

You give not expecting to receive, nor to control what the recipient does with what you give.

You have no reason to be offended if they sell it, if that is of benefit to them then your original intention was satisfied.

If you wished to retain control then retain ownership.


If I was given something and then used it to finish off a bike I then sold, would I have to estimate the value added by that item and return the same in karma to appease the angry mob?

Once you have given, you have given.

I do understand how it would seem were someone to do this routinely with such things they receive. That would be twattish, and you can rest assured this will attract no good karma to them.

When I give something to someone it is for the pleasure of giving.
highlandsflyer":ibub9bxu said:
This is not what real karma is about.

You give not expecting to receive, nor to control what the recipient does with what you give.

You have no reason to be offended if they sell it, if that is of benefit to them then your original intention was satisfied.

If you wished to retain control then retain ownership.


If I was given something and then used it to finish off a bike I then sold, would I have to estimate the value added by that item and return the same in karma to appease the angry mob?

Once you have given, you have given.

I do understand how it would seem were someone to do this routinely with such things they receive. That would be twattish, and you can rest assured this will attract no good karma to them.

When I give something to someone it is for the pleasure of giving.

Couldn't have put it better myself.
I got gifted a fork,then in turn gifted a different fork to someone else.I no longer need the original fork as the steerer is too short for this new frame.

Do i sell,or gift?
I'm for selling but at a below market price price :?