How come I end up being the bad guy...

I'm the wrong one to give advice, my last interaction resulted in about $10k (Canadian, so about 6p) in restitution/lawyer fees along with court-mandated anger management classes after I had a "polite discussion" over my adult neighbour's bullying of my 12 y/o.

But, I suggest something along the lines of "I'm sorry you're a twat..." could work.

Cheers, Ted
That’s very much the best approach on the occasion I think.

in these difficult and stressful situations I tend to remember the definition of a diplomat…

’ someone who tells a person to go to hell but makes them look forward to the journey…’

and I can see what happened here … just before you talked to him he tried to put some new bearings in the BMW but had bought the wrong ones - far too big - and had to throw them in the garden in a rage…