how about a photography thread?

legrandefromage":x86i9it5 said:
It'll never develop...

You'll need to focus more...

Theres always a negative....

I think you're wrong. But I'm in a positive mind so I'll let it slide...
Khane":da5sm2is said:
did you balance the stones yourself or was the beach visited by Adrian Gray ?

na i did it myself... im not as good as him !! :LOL:
allthough stone balancing is quite a big thing with many people all over the world doing it. if you google stone balancing loads of stuff comes up.

that graveyard pic is amazing... my favourite pic so far on this thread.
Some more from Berlin.



A few bird pics I snapped in -18degree temps over Christmas in Ireland.


  • Ireland Birds 038 (Large).jpg
    Ireland Birds 038 (Large).jpg
    40 KB · Views: 1,324
  • Ireland Birds 111 (Large).jpg
    Ireland Birds 111 (Large).jpg
    39.5 KB · Views: 1,324


  • Ireland Birds 072 (Large).jpg
    Ireland Birds 072 (Large).jpg
    30.6 KB · Views: 1,322
  • Ireland Birds 071 (Large).jpg
    Ireland Birds 071 (Large).jpg
    36.7 KB · Views: 1,322
I suggest you all have a look at the Skye Meet aftermath thread on the Mcretro section ;)