hi peeps, noob with mystery bike. help! UPDATE!!!

yeah its pretty cool looking bike, be nice to know what kind of nice bike so i can get it painted up and decalled.
im liking the fame more than my `dog frame, as , to be honest, that rides like a dead thing.
a mate of mine had a handsome dog of some type or other
and he loved it
i thought it was a bit leaden tbh
Welcome to the family Jack.

I can't help with your bike much as i've no clue what it is. But I am shocked no one has commented..


Oil your chain man, It's as brown as the frame :shock: :shock:

I shall re-welcome you once you do this. :wink:
yeah i must admit , a winter of being ignored hasnt helped the old `dog. and thats certainly no way to look after a brand new chain :roll: .

thanks to the warm welcome to your forum guys, means a lot :D

on the new bike front, i guess ill just have to strip the frame paint to see whats underneath.
decided to do some archeology this afternoon, 120 grit on the sander, no pressure applied and lo! whats this?

its a scott yecora, i ve had scotts in the past, always were a nice ride. a few choice parts and a twirl of the allen key set and she,ll be good as new ,now where can i get paint match from?