Hey man! Diaze-pam....

doctorstewie":331msjip said:
Even the Lion is wrecked: you seen the angle of those bar ends?


That's why I like him, goes his own way, doesn't follow protocol and tradition, carves his own path on the open road....sigh....
If you're not drowsy and feeling full of energy be careful you're not having a paradoxical reaction. It's where the drugs have the opposite of the intended effect, in this case diazepam should make you tired. If you're feeling a bit wired (I'm assuming that's the case because you've got a mad level of housework done, but could be wrong!!) the more you take the worse it will get, and you'll be in danger of making your back worse! It's also pretty dangerous, thankfully I was in hospital when it happened to me, so had nurses watching while I went a bit (ok a lot) loopy while they wore off...not allowed to take them again!! Not wanting to scare you like of course ;)


It's OK, they were super low dose and after that one off reaction (which, to be fair, was quite useful) I didn't take even a third of the daily dose the doc recommended, and still have a load left. They did seem to relax the muscle and break the cycle, allowing me to exercise without so much pain, and I'm back to work now, which is great (although as I type this I'm actually giving myself the rest of the day off as I'm very sore today after a couple of good days)

I think, like most of us, I'm my own worst enemy, as I struggled on for 10 days before going to the doctor, and I think if I'd started them earlier I could of gained a week at least.

Last weekend I did a load of bike stuff and seemed even better for wrenching on spanners and cassette removal tools!
Although I may have some spare if you want to swap for bike bits...?

:shock: Er...open forum.....er illegal.... we have policemen as members.... :shock:

Have to admit im not one for prescription drugs prescribed or otherwise. Ill go for a paracetamol if ive a temperature but that's about it :?
I feel these things over a lifetime of this and that and t'other leave a residue which possibly causes its own problems.

Erm.....that was very much, erm, one of those things called a 'joke'.....??

I'm with you, in that I only ever take paracetomol normally, under extreme duress, and yes I'm sure these other drugs do build up over a lifetime, but trust me, the pain I was in, I would have taken ANYTHING if someone in the medical profession had said it would definitely work.

Being self employed, I think the effects of not being able to work were quite frightening - normally a happy bubbly and energetic individual who takes everything very much in her stride, I can assure you, the way I felt after 10 days of it, I was on the verge of some kind of breakdown, I just couldn't see how I would ever walk again, let alone ride a bike. These pills weren't a miracle cure, but by god, they were the next best thing. And that was without taking the full dose by a long way.

Maybe I am wrong, but I'm glad I've got a few left over - not for the black market, but so that if I ever get such a bad back again, I can take them sooner and break the cycle, thus recovering a lot quicker. In the meantime I am going to do my exercises I was given every day for the rest of my life! Anything to minimise the chances of it happening again.
Not judging anyone :LOL: was a joke there myself about that.

I agree. some pain needs addressing and there are ones get you working but it is a bad thing in that the pain relief does allow you to get on but it also prevents the healing, so that moves so much slower :?
When my back goes from over exertions(slipped disc) I cannot stand without using a solid thing like a door to bring myself upright. Even then I can only straighten by bending the knees an attempting to swing my hips forward, that straightens the spine and I can then push on the knees and stand upright.

Ill not take anything for it though because if I do ill be that much in pain for 3 or 4 times longer.
I understand youre self employed but you need to stop and think and allow to heal itself or the working life will end prematurely through being completely unable to work from pain, and that's the end game problem.
Retirement is great but so long as you can partake of it :?

This is all in the jovial tone. each to their own. ;)


'Bendz zee kneez....'

Mate, I am so with you on the pulling yourself up on the door post thing. Trying to get out of bed was taking up to half an hour sometimes, I kept thinking, even if the house was on fire I couldn't do this any quicker.... I found a walking stick with the V in the top was a life saver, also doubled up as something I could just about hook into the belt of my jeans once I'd got my legs into them, to help pull them up :facepalm:

Pain killers alone are pointless, as you say they just mask the pain and ultimately slow recovery.

Retirement will never be an option for me! :LOL: I know it's a lifestyle choice thing, but self employment for me has been amazing, I love every day of my life, but I will never ever be rich, most of the time I struggle to pay the rent, but you know what, I don't care. Probably why I came across as a little over sensitive though..... ;)

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