Help needed: Identify my 90's Kona frame

mk one":32c6vqyv said:
Because of the tubing profile of the seat tube its not anything higher.

My first instinct from the stays though, is that its not a Kona.
I don't have any other very good pictures on file that are taken from the inside of the Drive Side of the Dropouts to compare. As I said in my first post, they do appear to be somewhat different:



  • Identify.jpg
    413.1 KB · Views: 254
  • 1996 Lava Dome 18_3.jpg
    1996 Lava Dome 18_3.jpg
    139.9 KB · Views: 254
it's purely the flattening of the end part, the dropout itself is the same... could easily be what they had to hand when they got them from fairly or a change through the year.

Rocky Mountain had to redo the chainstay side, hand bending and crimping a large bath they got from their supplier. It was cheaper and quicker than sending them back.


Why don't you want it to be a lavadome, what do you think or would like it to be

Call it a 1994 Kilauea if you want ;-)

1994 had same crimping... (this is a respray though)

only 1996 I found before you had to use you imagination it was crimping and not a dint in the tube.

might be easier in it's '96 cindy disguise.

If you mean my drop out, it sure is in a rough shape but friend who's going to braze disc mount for this is going to fix it a bit; even tho works fine as is.

I am just very curious about the exact model, most likely it is going to get respray done to it so might as well paint it in somewhat model correct colors! :cool: Just very curious.
Re: Re:

janhe":3a7c7fh3 said:
If you mean my drop out, it sure is in a rough shape but friend who's going to braze disc mount for this is going to fix it a bit; even tho works fine as is.

I am just very curious about the exact model, most likely it is going to get respray done to it so might as well paint it in somewhat model correct colors! :cool: Just very curious.

A bit back when they first started putting mounts to their otherwise non mount frames, they placed a short piece of tubing going from the seat stay to the chain stay, as a way of a brace.
Re: Re:

Splatter Paint":272q7geq said:
Looking at that drop-out I'd say the frame was scrap.


what are you going for,
somehow crimped the tube, loose axle wobbling a nut into it or poorly filed to fit some of the slightly larger than they should be axles (I think I had to do this for a hope mono hub)
or someone just got a good old hammer at it for no reason?

Based on the weight, I'd say the lower end of the scale. My 19" Kilauea from 1993 was 2,200g and my 1993 19" Explosif is 2,000g
part of me is thinking 1996 Kilauea, because of the color. It wasn't that obvious green as I tried to sand the rattle can paint jobs off. Weight is indeed seems to be in the Kilauea area, and Kilauea in cyber tubing didn't have bulge in the seat tube in 1996? Thank you all for your input so far.

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