HELP needed..Building Tioga disk drive

SOUTH STAFFS,but you realy need that diagram to build it,o and amey says you should loctite the bolts into the hub
Hey Monsterfat - that looks about right to me.

Imagine the wheel like a clock face - I'd tighten them 12, 6, 3, 9, 1, 7, 4, 10 etc

Was going to do mine tonight but too knackered!
Excuse my ignorance, but what is a Tioga Disc drive ?

What does it do apart from keep mud out your wheel etc.

Not a gizmo I ever came across in my mtb'ing days !


well mine is not the Pro version with more connections.
I agree I only ever saw them at events at the Malverns and Chedder very rare and even more so now..
It doesn`t protect the wheel (it is the wheel) hub and rim conected by a bio-weave of kevlar and carbon fibre----------This was the item to have in the early 1990's, as owned and promoted by John Tomac.
You could usually tell someone had a Disc Drive by the rumbling sound coming around a corner.
Whether they were areodynamic and efficient remained the question, and certainly after John Tomac stopped using it, you didn't see them on many bikes after UNTIL NOW ,, Hope that answered your question


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Dont give Tomes all the credit, Ned and HB flew the T-Disc flag just as high, along with a slew of other people. You dont see them around anymore because they were heavy, flexy, and prone to failure.

But really, really, :cool:
hello mate before you have a play with ya disc just wana let you know that the bloke of EBAY that sells the disc drive repair kit will sell you a copy of the disc drive assembly manual for £5.00 posted :D :D :D
Interesting repair kit.

I have a feeling that when my disk decides to cut loose while out on the trail...that rinky dink kit won't do me much good. :p

But MAN they sound cool.