HELP!!!!!! Google account recovery


Gold Trader
The other day I tried to change my google password, and got an email saying it would take 48 hours, and I would get another email with the link. This all worked fine, this morning I changed the password but then for some reason I am now logged out of everything and the password is not working. well, it does work but then goes to 2 step verification which I can't do (because I'm logged out on the phone), 8 digit back up codes which I don't have and can't reset (because I've been logged out everywhere), and then account recovery options, which always just send me an email to my gmail (which I can't read because I've been logged out everywhere).
I have been able to receive a one-time code on both my phone and to another email address, but when using these google always ends up by sending me an email to my gmail account, which I can't access..... I've now had so many attempts that it says I need to wait a few hours (not sure how many, exactly)

So, if logged out of everywhere, unable to use 2 step verification, and unable to read my gmail, how exactly am I supposed to get back into my account? Anyone had the same problem? any solutions?
Are you sure that you didn't give an alternative, non-gmail email address for recovery? I should have thought that you would have done and Google recommends it. Otherwise, you end up in the circularity you're experiencing where you need to access the account you're trying to recover to recover the account you need access to. Anyway, check any other email accounts that you might have given as recovery accounts (including the spam folders). If you can't access SMS text messages because your phone is locked, temporarily put the sim card in an alternative phone. Good luck.
Yes I do have a second non-google account as my recovery account. Since posting I have managed to obtain a 6 digit recovery code and request password reset, which will take 48 hours. But half an hour after receiving the confirmation email on that, I got another email that says:

Your Google account is being used on a computer or mobile device. Because you’re already signed in to your account, Google has cancelled your account recovery request.

If you continue having trouble getting in to your account, you can reset your password from the device where you’re signed in.


The Google Accounts Team

so that appears to be no use either. have just removed my google account from my phone, and am trying again but no luck so far getting another 6 digit code... also, if hacked then this route is no good either because it just sends you round in circles! I have always liked google but this is turning into a pile of sh!te
Ah! I didn't notice the bit about the alternative email account in your original post. Sounds like an accurate summary of the situation at the end. Pixel 6 owners will sympathise after the complete mess Google has made recently. The weird bit is that you've been signed out of all devices apart from one that you haven't tried yet. Perhaps it's because it's not turned on. Old tablet, phone, Chrome stick . . . ? Interested to know how this turns out: I've got a lot of Google devices myself.
that waiting for 48 hours for a link sounds suspicious.

have you followed all the instructions here:

it takes you through a series of steps working from current password , a previous password. a connected device, or your back up /recovery email.

apologies if you've already done this.
I have requested account recovery again via my recovery email. I have removed my google account from my phone, turned off one PC, checked all tablets and phones in the family group, so as far as I know, I am only likely to be signed in to google in this one last PC, and I'm not. So hopefully I just need to wait the 48 hours to receive a password reset link in my recovery email.... nothing suspicious about the time delay, it is mentioned in the link that slackboy sent and is for security, it gives time to cancel a request that has not been made by the account owner. I have read that page and while I have not tried absolutely all the options there, I have done pretty much what it says. It does say that password reset should be done from the same device that was used to request account recovery, if possible. I might not have done this, but can't remember where I requested it from originally... I usually have more than one device with my google account open at any one time (at least one PC and my phone)

So unless I get any more emails to my recovery email address, I guess I just have to wait 48 hours...

At least I have access to the recovery phone number and also the recovery email. From what I've read if you lose these then everything really is fubar

thanks for the help, will report back as and when!
Quick update - received the email to my recovery email address this afternoon, 48 hours after requesting it as indicated. 2 step verification has been removed from my account as that was the problem, there was a link to sign in, and that's it. Back working again :) I will check the settings and go back to 2 step verification, it has always worked fine before. Apart from the initial screw up, which may or may not have been my fault, I can't really fault the recovery process.
I pretty much have the same problem as you. Was your recovery email adress also a Gmail account or a other provider?
I requested this saturday but still didn't received a email back 😞
How did you fix it?
i requested a password change, and it’s currently making me wait 30 days.. i have no account logged into the gmail. But it does have 2 factor verification so i wanted to know if i wait the 30 days and reset the password, will it will turn off 2 factor verification so that i can log in to the account with the new password??
I got this on a brand new Samsung Tablet (new to me). Logged out of everything. Was going round in circles till eventually I got so frustrated I contacted my 'dodgy' mate Pete (the kind of guy who can get you anything for forty quid.... Four bay WiFi controlled Toaster, forty quid, Aston Martin Vanquish, low miles: forty quid, £100 worth of M&S vouchers, forty quid!) He suggested I visit a guy uptown and hey presto, 25 quid later and he'd broken the Google password and Google security and I was back in the game.

After this incident, I am of course totally sceptical of any 'security' measures on any commercial products. The same guy said he could jail break an iPhone 13 back to its guts for wait for it....
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