Headset Press

Bought these today, cost £6:


30 minutes of sawing, welding and grinding later:


Works well, although needs something to keep the bolt in the centre of the headtube.
MaliA's guide to headset cup things

Difficulty 2/5

Tools needed:

Wooden broom handle
Picket fence
Lump of wood

To remove:

Tools needed:

Wooden broom handle
Picket fence

Rest frame against picket fence between the upright bits.
Stick broom handle down the head tube against the headset cup thing.
USE mallet ON broom
Retrieve headset cup thing.

Turn frame over.

Repeat for the other side

To install:

Stick headset cup thing in freezer for a half hour or so.
Remove from freezer
Pour boiling water over frame,
Headset cup thing slots straight in.
If in doubt, USE hammer WITH wood ON headset cup thing.
Use rest of boiling water to make a cup of tea.

Necessity is the mother of invention.
Here's mine :


Other than the ally sections and the bearings all the other stuff is stainless. I will have the ally bits anodised with the next batch I have done :D

Made to / with :

• Fit the internals of a king perfectly to aid alignment.
• Long ally sections to provide alignment on the threaded bar.
• Ally cup locators for non marking of anodised finishes.
• Stainless inserts for the Ti headset so it doesn't gouge the ally locators.
• Thrust bearings to minimise rotational forces on the cups - got to keep the logos straight on initial insertion :oops: :LOL:

Worked a treat :


