Headset Press

don't buy it at that price, you could make it for far less. I've used one and it was "ok" - does the job but I would prefer the real tool eventually.
Yep you could easily make one of those for for less.
My home made headset press utilises a few strategically selected socket wrenches along with the threaded bar, nuts and big washers.

It works very well indeed.
I'm all for home mdea tools if care and attention is applied, but I picked up a 2nd hand h/set press on ebay a couple years ago for about £15/£20 and have never looked back.

Probably only used it 10 times but each time used its left me with that warm satisfied glow :)
I got a Cyclus press from wiggle: http://www.wiggle.co.uk/cyclus-headset-press/ though it was ~£25, not the £35 now. A most satisfying tool to use.

Home made tools are fine - I still have a large adjustable spanner my grandfather made. That press on eBay is no more than that - may as well make your own and save even more.
i'll give the home made one a go if i can get it sorted. i dont have the luxury of being able to nip down the local diy store anymore now i have a baby!!!
this looks quite nice...

http://www.onyourbike.co.uk/accessories ... 0rvre9c2r7

Try these I find they work well and unlike some of the specialist tools they're not fussy about the size of headset you're trying to fit :LOL:


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