Hands up who owns too many Bikes

I only have 5 right now and the OH keeps threatening a cull! Still what do you do if you need a seriously tiny frame and one comes along?? I couldn't pass it up now could I- life's just too short.
Both Hands firmly in the air.

yes i probably have too many bikes. ;)
But what exactly is too many bikes?
No worse than her shoe collection. and these at least get used,

Missing from the picture are the 3 current projects
The RC100 should emerge first then the 200 then the 300.
Thats only ten and a half including the unicycle.

Still looking out for a steel frame ( roberts)
and a Ti (merlin)

Then the collection will almost be complete. :cool:


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Only have 5 atthe moment but I can see it'll be six by the end of the year...where do you stop, is it when you have no room left?
5 at the mo (plus unbuilt frames of course), but I'm planning to get rid of one. I've just built a new bike up at the weekend & 4 was enough. I feel quite healthy compared to most people here :LOL:

I could quite easily have twice as many, but (contrary to what t'other half would have you believe) I don't really like owning bikes that I don't ride.
Too many what?

Look lets get a couple of things straight, there is no such thing as too many. When things get crowded its simply a storage/space issue. I find hanging them from the wheel on hooks and arranged, and hung from rear wheel/front/rear/front allows them to be packed neatly yet easily accessible. The actual count of bikes, in my experience is a dangerous thing to do if one has a spouse. DON'T UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES GIVE YOUR SPOUSE AN ACTUAL NUMBER.
I have 20 something but if you don't give em a number they don't know if you have gained any. And have at least 2 places to store them or move them about theres always room to deny/confuse/be non commital, about the whole issue. So the correct answer is 'a few' when asked how many you have.
Get deliveries of parts to a mate place or your place of employ and everything will be sweet.
There's quite 2 years ago, I took this picture…

But have a look to my signature ! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
But it's missing the blue 'dale SM1000, my passoni, my road 3.0 'dale…

I need some medecine :LOL: :LOL:
Well, I have three on the Isle of Man (06 RM Blizzard, '88 Explosif and the Platsa Blue SS) and my wife has one ('93 RM Equipe aka "Rosie").

Then we have a '95 Kilauea and a '93 Blizzard in Greece.
So that's six altogether then, and realistically I suppose I could get rid of the '06 Blizzard and the '88 Explosif, although as I've owned it for 20 years I'm not really likely to do that.

That only leaves the '06 Blizzard as a thinning out candidate, although I am thinking of taking it out to Greece and bringing the Kilauea back here.....
Well this site is making me an addict!

I've always had 1 bike at a time and only get a new one after the last has been stolen.

Now i have 4 bikes:

1996 Saracen Terratrax (Purchased from this fine site)
1998 Specialised Rockhopper (Project)
1960's Falcon Olympic SS

and i just purchased an 1993/94 Orange Clockwork, i have not told the GF about this purchase :? Sure she won't mind :shock:

i also have 2 frames and an old Raliegh 3 speed

with all these plus my VW camper to pay for and service our wedding fund is in danger :shock: