Go Pro, where to mount

Mike Muz

Retrobike Rider
BoTM Winner
Gold Trader
Bontrager Fan
I have a copy of the above, and was wondering where the best place to mount it would be, for off-road riding.
Top of helmet? Bars? Seatpost? Or maybe a chest harness?
Where do you put yours?


Placement depends what you are after from your shots. I watched a bunch of pro mountain biking films on You Tube and saw where/how the production team had mounted them.

From experience mounting on the bike means the unit can get shook a lot, especially off-road and on a rigid fork. You'd need to look at the different mounts available and software for post. If mounted on the handle bar I prefer it hanging so it doesn't get in the way.

Your body is a great shock absorber and sticking it on you is a good option. I have a Bell Super 2 helmet which comes with a mount on the top, after the whole Schumacher thing (even if it wasn't part of the reason) I'm not a fan of having the mount on the top of my head but the shots are great -even if feeling a bit "disconnected" because of the extra height. You also need to remember that your another 6 or so inches taller! Branches beware!

Chest is OK for all-in action type shots but you can end up with a frames with a lot ground and bar/handles if it is pulled tight on downhill sections.

Personally I also have one of those keyring cameras (they're surprisingly good) which I mount under the visor. It's superlight, doesn't get in the way and the images are almost eye line. It's a good second camera for a different persective of the same ride.

I had a couple of sessions filming last year. On both occasions i mounted my camera to the handle bars ... On Canal path riding the results were acceptable but anything a little rougher and the footage was not great. I have s helmet mount but haven't yet tried it out.
The visor mount sounds interesting ...
Bar mount is horrible unless you have a very very rigid mount and a very very lightweight camera frame (i have both).
It stops the bobbing and vibrations.

On a full suss you can get an even more disconcerting pitching motion (depending on how you ride/how the suss is set up)

Helmet is better as it tracks where you are looking. And you get vary little vibration. But it makes your helmet heavier (not as much as a decent helmet light does, but it's still noticeable)

Chest mount is supposed to be another step better, but i've not tried that yet.
@enc just for info, I got the camera years ago after reading about it on an RC plane forum:


One of the guys did development work with the manufacturer for the rc market and they produced a pretty good, inexpensive unit. There's been other developments since.

I just glued velcro to the under side of the camera and then put another piece underneath the visor, I also did it on one of normal peaked caps as well. It's never fallen off.

The only thing you have do is flip the image to watch, because it's effectively mounted upside down, but that's easy with vlc or a post software.

Oh also, if your watching it back with sound you might get asked what you're up to because of all the heavy breathing it picks up!

About a year ago I recall reading about a wireless gadget that worked with a drone. Basically, you kept the wireless unit on your person, let the drone go, and it would fly itself while following you and keep you in frame wherever you went - even through trees etc.

It's not forward-facing like a Go-Pro, but it's pretty cool. The website showed it being used by skiers, surfers, mountain bikes etc. I'll try to find it again.

Hopefully the price has come down.

I remember that drone on kickstarter, the issue was it didn't have sensors to stop it crashing into things so it could only be used in open spaces.

It's called Airdog.
It depends on what kind of effect you want.

