Global FatBike Dat Sat 5th Dec


Senior Retro Guru
Jamie & I have a plan.

Ride is starting in Dingwall.

Thereafter, where's the snow, to there we go...

If that's a dud, we'll play in the mud...

Any retros welcome.
Getting ready for Global fat Bike Day ride tomorrow!
Looks like being a traditional one, wet and soaking with a touch of freezing ;)
Pugsley out tonight to load in the van as an early start tomorrow morning. Needed to adjust the rear brake as it was catching slightly and making that tiny ding sound. All adjusted now though had to be quick as I was in the kitchen. Had to repair my PDW rear guard, well repair the repair really :) The last repair lasted a good few years as I used black electrical tape and one of Gils Fatty Owl decals from the 2015 Puffer. A bit of duct tape underneath and I should now get another 5 years out of it. I have only had a few rides out on it since last winter and realised tonight how much I miss it, so really looking forward to tomorrows ride.
Anyway, hope everyone has a good weekend and a good GFBD, if nothing else it is motivation to go and ride.


1 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

2 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

4 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

3 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Enjoy the ride guys.
Jamie, I think everyone’s PDW split down those seams. Mine was held together with roofing tape.
Just back home after a fantastic day!
Will load some photos later.
Clubby I am not complaining as those PDWs must be about 9 years old. A bit of Duct tape and they lasted today and hopefully many more rides yet :)
They were certainly appreciated as it didn't stop raining all day :)

The weather was a bit biblical today. Jamie arrived just in time for me to finish loading the animals two by two into the ark I built last night.

If it wasn't GFBD, I would have stayed at home.

The trails were wet, wet, wet.

Jamie did his best to redistribute the surplus moisture on to the shrubbery.

Just as well there was a bridge there...

Small diversion to pay respects to Puffer Bill. He politely wore his mask.

I enjoyed a bit of splashing too. I was dubious about how deep it was in the middle here because the centre gets washed away in a good flow like this, so I wisely sent Jamie over first.

Was it worth it?

Yes. Good to get out on the fatbike again after it's been in the shed for most of the year.

(Sorry for the crap photos, Had to bin quite a few because the overcast was very dark.)

Jeez! Looks like Jamie could do with outriggers in that last pic :shock:
I suppose the fat tyres offer some flotation, could be an idea for next year? :LOL:
That's Brian in the last one! and yes it was pretty wet.
Brian was on his carbon Fatty with carbon rims etc so his was going to float regardless :) Plus he had 5.5 tyres as opposed to my slim 4.0 Nates.
What a great day out, we just plodded away through the hills following trails we knew, taking detours when the tracks looked interesting, surviving on Snickers. I was glad I put my wet trousers on over my Keelas as this and my jacket with my winter boots meant I actually stayed completely dry underneath.
On one of the steep downhill bends Brian was doing his usual trail archaeology digging to find a handful of studs and a tubeless valve, this meant that whenever I stopped on a downhill I was looking for little shiny studs buried in the ground :) I didn't even want them but one of those things that once you see them then you start seeing them everywhere :)
So despite the cold, and it was cold on the face on the high exposed ground and the volume of water it was great to be back out on the Pugsley as well as being back singlespeeding after what seems ages but in reality is only a couple of months. Great day out and well worth the early drive south for sure. Another thoroughly enjoyable GFBD.


Here's a few photos of mine and a couple of Brians.
Clean start
DSCN8682 by epicyclo, on Flickr

IMG_4392 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_4401 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_4407 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN8694 by epicyclo, on Flickr

IMG_4404 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN8697 by epicyclo, on Flickr

IMG_4413 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Puffer Bill and Brian both masked up
IMG_4418 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN8707 by epicyclo, on Flickr

DSCN5843 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN5847 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN8709 by epicyclo, on Flickr

DSCN8714 by epicyclo, on Flickr

DSCN5859 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN5862 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN8714 by epicyclo, on Flickr

DSCN8716 by epicyclo, on Flickr

DSCN8717 by epicyclo, on Flickr

DSCN8722 by epicyclo, on Flickr

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