Give 3 Examples. Why Retrobikes are awesome

1. Mountain Cycle San Andreas

- It broke a lot of ground with eyecatching looks, versatility, eyecatching looks, making long travel work, eyecatching looks, disc brakes, eyecatching looks and upside down forks. Oh, their eyecatching looks. Shout out to the Foes LTS which was similar in execution.

2. Mid 90s Kona Lava Dome

- Solid value bike that got a lot of people into MTB - an example of a damn good entry level bike. Add to that the bike having a playful geometry and Kona's sense of fun, BITD you'd lend your Lava Dome out to a friend and they'd be hooked on the sport.

3. Custom cantilever brake cable straddles

- Whether it's the Onza chill pill, a peace symbol, smiley face or an anodised purple Avid Tri-Dangle - things like this were a cheap way to add some custom colour and personality to your bike and not take yourself too seriously. Shout out to Tioga lever tamers as well as anything that was anodised purple. It all showed that MTB was about individuality* and having a bit of fun.

*These days, bikes tend to look the same and it seems to me to be more about following the trends rather than doing it your own way. That's why I like vintage bikes, they're from an era with a different attitude.
