RetroBike Rides: February Newsletter


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
BoTY Winner
The Retrobike Rides Monthly Newsletter - February 2011

Back once more, the monthly RetroBike Rides newletter. We've had a busy month, especially with the roaring success that was the Thetford National Ride. With an attendance of 47 riders from all corners of the United Kingdom it was a ride not to be missed. If you did miss it fear not, the next round is Cannock on February 12th :wink: For those of you who are interested the points for the first round have been done and are posted in this newsletter. The scoring method is a mix of all sorts and is also a secret. If anyone who attended isn’t on their get in touch and I’ll update.

This month also see's entries open for Mountain Mayhem, an event that's always well attended by RetroBikers. Last year over 60 members met up for racing, riding, drinking, heckling and more. Teams from across the regions are searching out riders to join their 4 or 5 person teams. We are also looking for riders of any ability to join 2 National 10 person teams, to take part in a North versus South winner wins sod all shootout.

Retrobike Rides have now been going strong for many years. They have evolved from a couple of dodgy looking characters meeting in the woods to ride their retro pride and joys to groups of up to 40 enthusiasts meeting up to enjoy their bikes, company and trails. In doing so a friendly atmosphere has been created and good riding manners developed, giving Retrobike Rides unique qualities and banter. As always with Retrobike Rides everyone is welcome and made to feel welcome. All abilities are catered for with the rule being we only get round as fast as the slowest person, with short cuts and chicken runs being planned into the routes. If this appeals to you, please come and join in at one of our National or Local events.


The Retrobike National Events Calendar 2010/11

With support from

Rd 1 - Cannock Turkey Twizzler - Cancelled due to weather.
Rd 2 - Thetford - Jan 23rd (Sunday)
Rd 1 - Cannock Turkey Twizzler re-run - February 12th (Saturday)
Rd 3 - Forest of Dean - 14th May (Saturday)
Rd 4 - BDW - July 22-24 (Weekend, main ride Saturday)
Rd 5 - Drumlanrig - August 14th (Sunday)
Rd 6 - Mr. K's Day in the Peaks - Sept 10th (Saturday)
Rd 7 - Final Round (TBC) - Oct/Nov*

With the usual annual Retrobike attendance at:

- The Hell of North Cotswolds (Sunday April 10th 2011)
- Mountain Mayhem (Weekend of June 17th-19th 2011)

*The final round has been opened up for all regions to submit a bid to organise and host it. We’ll then post up their plans and every Retrobike member will have the opportunity to vote on the most popular idea. The event with the most votes will become the season finale for 2011.



Around the Regions

MacRetro - Contact Kaiser, The Ken, Clockworkgazz or Big Eck for more details.

Area PoTM

MacRetro took to the hills again with the now annual Dunkeld Baltic Ballbuster, ground conditions saw the ride relocate to Pitlochry just a few miles up the road. Turnout was fantastic and a good time was had by all. Aftermath here

Is looking to be a quite month with no planned rides as yet, keep an eye out for some last minute and local stuff though.


North East England & Yorkshire - Contact (AEC is vacant (please PM me if interested), chrisV40 or Kaya for more details.

Area PoTM

Several of The Yorkies hit the road in January and headed South to Thetford for round two of the National Series. A very long and tiring day but a great day none the less. A big thanks to all those involved in putting on a great event.

On February 19th we will be meeting with our ancient enemies from the Red Rose County to enjoy a day of banter, big country, mud and old bikes in Settle for a ride over to Malham and back. With over 20 riders already signed up it should be a grand day out. February should also see the return of our regular weekly nightrides, which tailed off recently due to the weather. Finally, we shall also be finalising the route for BDW in the next few weeks and will be heading over to the lakes for a first Recce.


North West England & North Wales - Contact drystonepaul, mr_ship, Harry Crumb (North West England) mrkawasaki or Sidewinder (North Wales) for more details.

Area PoTM

There was an epic roadtrip down to the Retrobike National Event at Thetford by many of the NWA regulars. There was also some great local riding for local riders too, up on the moors above Rossendale. (see above picture)

This month will see a visit to Cannock for another Retrobike National Event on the 12th, followed by a meeting with the Yorkies in the Yorkshire Dales. Details as always in the NWA regional forum.


East Midlands - Contact Orange71 or rc200ti for more details.

Area PoTM

Regular Tuesday night rides continued as normal, good turnout every week - varying between 4 and 8 attendees. Lots of 'short notice' rides went on between various members on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, other evenings etc! Making the most of relatively benign conditions.

We shall be mostly riding at night on a Tuesday - see our East Midlands thread for details. We also have the National Status postponed Turkey Twizzler ride at Cannock on our doorstep on the 12th Feb.

A new addition to the rides and chat section is a route map of each ride we have done, so any new members who might wish to join us can see what sort of rides we do.

I finally got round to changing my singlespeed sprocket. It only took about 6 months to get round to it. 1 tooth completely missing, 2 half missing and the rest mostly hooked :oops: You really don't want to see the old chain. Just ask the East Midlands regulars about my maintenance schedules...


South and West Midlands - Contact Chris or Ededwards for more details.

Area PoTM

The compact Midlands Area Group has had a 'dry powder month' as we've recovered from the disappointment of a weather influenced postponement of the Turkey Twizzler and geared up for Cupid's Arrow in mid February. Preparation has been inspired by Elton John's 'Tiny Dancer' and Young MC's 'Know How' and, sponsored by Red Bull, anything is possible if not downright probable.

With Thetford having set the bar high with the first National Series event in terms of quantity and quality we're going to need to be at the top of our game. Fingers crossed we'll be feeding back positively in a month's time but until then "Hold me closer, tiny dancer".

Midlands out.


Lincolnshire - Contact Pickle or Andy B for more details.

Area PoTM

It's been quite quiet this month in Lincolnshire, but a few have ventured out onto the frozen trails to sample the crisp Lincolnshire air. A gentle bimble around Binbrook was more than enough to keep those winter blues away, link to the ride thread here. Pic of the month is a rather frozen landscape courtesy of ChrisV40. The main event of the month for the Anglian and Lincolnshire area group was the utterly epic round 2 of the Nationals at Brandon Country Park near Thetford, see the Anglian Area report for more details of the ride.

Hopefully in February the trails won't be too mushy after the thaw and more fun on two wheels will be had. As always it's easy going and all quite spontaneous, so if you want to ride, just post up in the area group section & lets go have some fun!


Anglia - Contact Cannondaleking, REKIBorter or Lou74 (Anglia) for more details.

Area PoTM

January saw the Anglian region host the second (first?) round of the National Event Series. The turnout of Retrobike members was amazing with a head count of 46. Some stunning retro bikes were brought out for a ride around Thetford Forest's hallucinogenic singletrack. Riders turned up having travelled some very large distances to get to the event. 280 miles each way is amazing effort and shows the commitment some RB members have to support the event series. The aftermath thread has plenty of pictures and stories from the ride for you to browse through. Thank you to everyone that came along and made this a very special event. See you at the next round at Cannock.

February sees a ride hosted by LGF.


South East England - Contact TheGreenRabbit for more details. (WTD: Deputy AEC)

The south had very little riding this month

With just as much as January this month nothing to report. We are going to wait till the clock spring forward and then get out for a ride.


South West England - Contact Jonnyboy666 or Heathy for more details.

Area PoTM

There hasn't been an organized meet as such this month in our area. But personally i have been trying to think of the future rides we will be doing over the coming months. With that in mind i asked a few locals if they wanted to come to the Isle of Wight for a bit of recon on some new bits of trail that i wasn't sure where they went and if they would induce a smile or two! :D here's a LINK

Also I got up for an early mission to the Thetford National meet, and also dragged a friend up there aswel who by the time we got home then joined the site, which is always good! That was an awesome day! And i think the pic above of AndyB says it all 8)

I don't think there is at the moment a specific planned meet in our area for february yet but i'm sure there will be people out riding, Makster for example rides the Purbecks most sunday mornings. Also if anyone wants to join me for about 24 miles around the New Forest on Saturday the 5th give me a shout.

Also I think there are a few from our area that are going to the Cannock National meet so we didn't want to organise anything to close to that.


South Wales - (WTD AEC and Deputy for South Wales area)

Please contact sinnett177 if interested.


RetroBike National Ride Series League Table

Anglian & Lincs
Rekiborter ~ 325
Lou74 ~ 225
Letmetalktomark ~ 100
Clem_r ~ 200
Gruff ~ 225
TREBOR2 ~ 225
lewisthewhippet ~ 200
LGF ~ 200
AverageMark ~ 50
Boy o Boy ~ 200
Bm0p700f ~ 200
Danson67 ~ 200
Andy_B ~ 250
Luked2 ~ 100*
Detomaso ~ 200
Marin man ~ 200
sam_white ~ 100*
Harry Hume ~ 100

elpedro666 ~ 250
Drystonepaul ~ 400
Mrlee ~ 300
Woody ~ 300
Harrycrumb ~ 300
Charlieboy ~ 300

Dr S ~ 300
Sithlord ~ 400
SimonsideResident ~ 100*
Kev Duckworth ~ 400
Kaya ~ 300
Marc two tone ~ 300

Rob RC200ti ~ 300
The Guvnor ~ -800
Any123 ~ 300

South East
TedC ~ 400
grd ~ 100*

South West
Jonnyboy666 ~ 400
Gravy Monster ~ 400
Pure7-89 ~ 250

* These low scores generally indicate I couldn’t recognise you and so could only score on basic things like attendance. If you drop me a pm with a description of who you are and what you were riding I’ll re-score you. Again if I’ve missed you completely please pm as above.

Just one final note, i'm sure you'll also want to thank Dr S foe all his efforts over the past few years of RetroBike riding. Si has sadly decided to cool it for a bit, but hopefully we'll see him back soon. Therefore we have a vacancy for a NE Region AEC, anyone interested please get in touch. This will be a permanent appointment.